Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Buddha Maitreya the Christ's healing, spiritual blessings awaken the sacred geometry of the Metatron Mat and transmits those blessings to help a person receive Soul Therapy - awakening the Soul and healing the Etheric Field. The Metatron Mat is based upon the sacred geometric proportions of the Vesica Pisces in the form of an electromagnetic grid. The Metatron Mat comes in two sizes - the full length mat is 5.5' long (with 2 Vesica Pisces Grids connected inside) or the half length mat is 2.25' long (with one Vesica Pisces grid inside). The mat is covered with cotton batting for comfort and an organic white cotton 'Be Harmless' cover.
Sitting or laying on the Metatron Mat helps to stimulate vitality and align the Etheric Field, re-energizing and re-vitalizing the physical body, naturally calming the emotions and clearing the mind. The Metatron Mat radiates the blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ for healing, self-healing, pain relief, protection from negative of astral influences or entities, stress reduction, relaxation, deep transcendental meditation & improved sleep. Each Mat comes with with two of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Vajras or Etheric Weavers for a complete, full body meditation and healing system a complete set of Buddha Maitreya the Christ Soul Therapy Meditation Music recommended to use together for Meditation & Healing. A white cotton drawstring bag is included for traveling.
The Vesica Pisces is found in flowers and all sacred, natural geometric reality. It is built into the design of the Metatron Mat which is laid out in a series of diamonds that make one large diamond, all connected by a copper grid. At each of the points where those diamonds connect together there is a neodymium rare earth magnet that connects to the vibration of the earth and resonates with the meridian energy in the body and the natural magnetic field of the body. It doesn't over-activate or under-activate, but actually attunes to the body itself. Due to the geometric configuration, there is an attunement to the DNA and the magnetic field that carries light. This stimulates the natural healing energy found in the hands to radiate throught the person's whole meridian system, just like receiving hands on healing over the entire body. - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Newly designed and with new white organic cotton "Be Harmless" cover and extra batting for increased comfort! Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Metatron Mat™ is a powerful, portable healing and meditation magnetic mattress pad designed to lay on top of a mattress, chair or massage table. Used for healing, self-healing, restful sleep & deep meditation, the Mat combines the sacred geometric proportions of the Vesica Pisces together with an electromagnetic grid. The Mat is blessed by Buddha Maitreya the Christ to awaken the sacred geometry of the form and transmit Buddha Maitreya the Christ's healing and spiritual blessings to help humanity heal by receiving Soul Therapy®.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Metatron Mat System includes a Metatron Mat (full length - approx. 5.5'; or half length - approx. 2.25') with two Buddha Maitreya the Christ Vajras of your choice.
Sit or lie on day and night for meditation, self-healing, deep relaxation and sleep. The system helps to stimulate vitality and align the Etheric Field, re-energizing and re-vitalizing the physical body, naturally calming the emotions and clearing the mind.
The Metatron Mat System transmits the blessings and healing energy of Buddha Maitreya the Christ (pictured right), to awaken the Soul and heal the Etheric Field. The Etheric field is God. It is the pulse and the matrix that holds everything together. Through your humility, you ask God to work through you, not to be in charge of you but to co-create with God. It is the intellect that causes separation and it is through the Etheric Field where the past, present and future the mind, emotions and the physical all come together and can be healed.
The Metatron Mat is not just a magnetic or electro-magnetic healing mat but has a design made in the Vesica Pisces which is the general form of life itself. A divine pattern. Since everything is evolving from Buddha, then everything has within it the imprint of Buddha Nature. That imprint evolves everything geometrically in the geomancy of a unified field that is the expanding, all encompassing body of Buddha.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Metatron Mat incorporates the sacred geometric principle of the Vesica Pisces. All of the different types of life we see on Earth are uniquely and universally geometrically patterned. The Vesica Pisces is a diamond shape that contains the Phi Ratio which is found in our DNA, in rocks and minerals, in water etc. - in the atomic structure of life. All of these things are patterned by a divine imprint that is placed into life, that esoterically is known as God. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Metatron's Mat helps to attune our natural connection to God and our Buddha nature or Soul, which builds greater purpose and joy in life.
The divine pattern of the Vesica Pisces is built into the Metatronic Mat through a series of diamonds that make one or two large diamond grids (depending on if the Mat is half or full body length). The grid which connects these diamonds together is made of copper tape for increased energetic conductivity. At each intersection of each diamond is a powerful gold plated Neodymium Rare Earth magnet which connects to the vibration of the Earth. These magnets give the best fields possible in permanent magnets allowing for very high energy products to be achieved in a perfectly balanced proportion.
The Sacred Geometric Grid is made from copper strips laid in exact relationship to the Vesica Pisces so that each grid contains a matrix of 64 proportionate smaller diamonds. A Powerful Neodymium rare earth magnet is placed at each of the 81 connecting points in the grid, activating the grid as an electromagnetic field with magnetic pulses in a specific pattern aligned to the Vesica Pisces. The copper allows natural currents of electrons to flow in the form of Etheric Magnetic Prana (vitality), directing the Pranic Fluid to increase as meridian points are stimulated by the magnetics.
The Vesica Pisces is found in flowers and all sacred, natural geometric reality. It is built into the design of the Metatron Mat which is laid out in a series of diamonds that make one large diamond, all connected by a copper grid. At each of the points where those diamonds connect together there is a neodynium (rare earth) magnet that connects to the vibration of the earth. The neodynium magnet resonates with the meridian energy in the body and the natural magnetic field of the body. It doesn't over-activate or under-activate, but actually attunes to the body itself. Due to the geometric configuration, there is an attunement to the DNA and the magnetic field that carries light. The Mat is balancing for all the meridian energy and chakric energy due to the sacred design and the type of magnets used. Double terminated quartz Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weaver crystals are placed on copper tabs at the tips of the larger diamond which amplifies the energy of the grid with the pure resonatory healing frequency of quartz crystal. The four are connection points for pure copper wires that attach to the two Buddha Maitreya the Christ Vajras which the person meditating or receiving the healing treatment can hold in each hand. This stimulates the natural healing energy found in the hands to radiate throughout the person's whole meridian system, just like receiving hands on healing over the entire body.
Metatron is the only Archangel that takes a physical incarnation with a lineage that includes Jesus the Christ. The incarnation of Metatron stimulates the electron and the awakening of the true light of the Soul. Metatron holds everything in the highest light supporting us to build positive thought forms about ourselves and life, transcending personal karma. His Presence allows the simple yoga of harmlessness to move into humanity creating an evolutionary movement within God's Plan. Metatron’s forms awaken the light within the atom and that is Metatronics - awakening an angelic presence within ourselves that we do not know exists.
People relate to Archangels as separate beings but they are 7 emanations of God, representing the 7 Rays of God. Michael is the 1st Ray but all of them manifest as the unified expression of Metatron - the One most like God. This is the 2nd Ray of Loving Wisdom. It can be seen like in the Metatron's Cube that includes all the sacred forms. God is love and all the Rays come from that one God same as all the angels. - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
An alignment to your Higher Self - your Ashram, Soul and Monad. The Archangel Metatron's Cube Mat radiates the blessings of Buddha Maitreya the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ for personal and planetary healing supporting self-healing and transformation; healing of mind, body and emotions; spiritual awakening; protection from negative or astral influences or entities; stress reduction; relaxation; increased vitality; deep transcendental meditation; reported pain relief & improved sleep. Many have experienced miraculous healing and transformations using Buddha Maitreya's meditation healing tools and music.
Energy is continually moved through the etheric field of the person laying on the Mat system, allowing an increasing vibrational attunement in relationship to the light of the Soul. Clients and family members therefore start to heal themselves on a deeply profound level.
Practitioners find that using the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Metatron Mat System in combination with their own therapeutic practices speeds and deepens the healing benefit for the client rather than using their healing modalities alone; the practitioner is also more protected from absorbing negative energy as their clients are automatically transforming, transmuting and healing themselves while simply laying on the Mat and holding the Vajras.
Full Length Metatron Mat"Well the Mat is made in the Vesica Pisces and that is a diamond shape that is found in a flower or all sacred, natural geometric reality. So that is actually built into the design of the mat, where its a series of these diamonds that make one large diamond and they are all connected together by a copper grid. Then at each of the points where those diamonds connect together there is a magnet, but its a neodymium magnet that connects to the vibration of the Earth. It resonates really nicely with the meridian energy in the body and with the natural magnetic field of the body. So it does not over-activate or under-activate, it actually attunes to the body in itself.Since its in that geometric configuration, it attunes to the DNA in the body, literally all the way down to the physical DNA, the light that is in the DNA and the magnetic field that carries that light.So it really is balancing for all the meridian energy and chakric energy and all of that because of the sacred design and the type of magnets that are used.Then we put [Etheric Weaver] crystals at the tips of each one of the large diamonds that all the diamonds are made out of.In that crystal you can connect up to it another wire that allows you to hook on an Etheric Weaver or a Vajra so that your hands are literally connected to this mat. That allows your body to be more connected to the magnetic field and the healing energy that is in your hands, you are allowing it to be a part of the mat so you are doing a self-healing on yourself with the mat.So there is a system of science that is involved in these mats that literally bring out the science of the etheric healing ability so the person is not just focusing on magnets themselves because in some cases its OK, in some its not.In some case it works and some it doesn't.But when you work in a science like this, it literally is working on the cause, all the way down to the energetic field and it applies magnetic healing but its only just a small aspect of the real science that is involved.So its really quite a therapy.Its really great for both transcendental meditation, because it aligns you energetically very nicely and with the holding of the etheric weavers and everything, it really is quite a powerful self-healing.It's so much more than just a magnetic mat." - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Yes, you can use either one or two Etheric Weavers or Vajras with the mat or use it on its own. If you have an Etheric Weaver, you can hook it to the wire that comes with the mat and connect that to any of the connections on the mat. It will then transfer through the whole mat, just like connecting the goldplated essence plate we provide and using it for transmission, like with using flower essences. Using 2 Etheric weavers or Vajras allow the person to hold an Etheric Weaver or Vajra in each hand, connecting with the mat and receiving the effect through their hands directly through the body’s meridian system. The same can be done with one Etheric Weaver or Vajra but having two of them helps to balance both sides of the body. Using one allows the body to connect to itself. - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
It can be placed under the bed but the effect will be pretty mild. Having direct contact is the way to receive transmission and make the healing work, especially if you use the Metatron Mat with Etheric Weavers or Vajras held in each hand.The purpose and effect of the Metatron Mat is helping to establish the first initiation of laying on hands including laying hands over something and not touching. It is the same with all the tools. The initiation ability comes from the Planetary Logos and not the individual or the mat but since the tools are designed to help connect one to the higher telepathic abilities of the Planetary Logos, everyone gets the transmission of one of the 7 levels of being that the Planetary Logos holds and the first is touch. - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Everything else is just what it is, but the Tools, including the Metatron Mat provide transmission and so the more they are used alone and properly is best for one’s life. The Tools are not mechanistic products and the Metatron Mat™ is not just a magnetic mat. - Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Amazing Transformations and Healing With the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Maitreya Solar Cross and Metatron Mat I was first introduced to His Holiness’s transformative healings back in 1996 when I was on pilgrimage in England. After visiting another healing center on Mt. Shasta, a few years later, I purchased a Maitreya Solar Cross, and shortly after that, the Metetron Mat.
I love these tools! In my spiritual healing practice, I facilitate very deep, Energetic, purification with my clients, and use the Solar Cross to bring the room back to a pristine, energetic form. I’ve also attached this tool to a wooden coat hanger so I can hang it up in different rooms, or use it on the little stand provided. This tool is certainly a workhorse in my home and healing space. Having chemical sensitivities, many solvent type odors bother me, however, when I sit next to the Solar Cross, I can actually feel these noxious poisons literally being pulled from my body!
I work with the Metatron Mat, after seeing clients, to cleanse my aura, and many nights sleep with the vajras close to me. Although these tools were expensive, they are invaluable to me, and the best layout of cash I ever made. Many thanks to His Holiness, for introducing these tools to humanity! Have a Blessed New Year!
Barbara Lynn Freed
I am so pleased with the healing tools that I have been using over the past few years. The metatron mat has been invaluable in helping me to sleep and reduce my pain. I have referred to it, at times, as my miracle mat. I love my two vajras, and my pendant is a near-constant companion. Thank you so much for these wonderful healing tools!
Robin N, PHD
An American teacher has suffered for many years from chronic pain – she has tried many treaments but none have worked. One of her students purchased 3 Metatron Mats for her for sleeping, teaching and travelling. Within 6 weeks the teacher's pain had reduced by one third for the first time in many years.
(shared with Maitreya Dharma Sangha)
I'm just writing to say that the deep healing continues with the Metatron Mat. I must admit that I do not understand, even as much as one does sometimes understand such things, how this works. But each more advanced tool I buy coincides with a quantum leap in my own healing program. The mat helped me reach stuff I had kind of given up being able to reach anytime soon. Needless to say, it is a welcome development.
Carl Boudreau
My counselor in Eugene, Oregon had recommended that I purchase a mat. At first I was hesitant, because of the expense, then I simply put that aside and manifested the purchase. I sleep on the mat every night and I can feel the energy and an extreme warmth that the mat produces. I awake feeling enlightened and anew. The chronic pain I had been suffering with between my shoulders is no longer.
Michelle Mote
I have recently been diagnosed with an advanced stage of thinning bones and also with a high level of rheumatoid arthritis. There was intense burning pain associated with this condition, which I thought had been healed since I have not felt it in 3 months. A few nights ago, I decided not to sleep on my Metatron Mat. This is the first time I can remember going without it in about a year. In the morning, all the pain was there just as before. On the pain scale, it would be a 10. All I could do was lay down. I gave myself an etheric weaver treatment while on the Mat and the pain was gone in about 20 minutes, and has not returned. I believe the Metatron Mat is as strong as a Morphine patch in alleviating pain!
I recently bought the metatron mat and specifically purchased it for my insomnia. I have been struggling with waking up several times throughout the night and was very frustrated with the lack of sleep. I am really happy since I’ve been sleeping on my metatron mat as I am definitely sleeping better! Sometimes only waking up once which is a big improvement, but most of the time just being able to stay asleep all night till early morning! I am a nurse and a massage therapist so this is much appreciated! I also had fallen and injured my hip with constant hip pain, I went away for a week and didn't have my mat. In one night laying on my mat and laying the vajra next to my hip, the pain is gone this morning! - Thank you!
South Carolina
A few months ago I had an incredible blessing. I went to the doctors because I found some lumps in my breast. They found I had 3 tumors. I was surprised that I stayed calm after the news. While I was waiting for the the date of the biopsy I decided I needed a treatment. I called my friend for an etheric weaver treatment on the mat. She weaved me for 2 hours. In the middle of the treatment I started to see this incredible blue light and this white man. The blue light was radiating from him. I asked my friend who was in the room, but she said no one. I felt as if the blue light was inside me and I held the vajra tightly over my chest. I knew the man was Buddha Maitreya. And I knew I was going to be okay. After the treatment I had my biopsy. The doctors were completely surprised to find no tumors. They were gone. All they found was a small inflammation. And I just thanked Buddha Maitreya for this incredible blessing. I felt such calm, peace and love. I have felt great ever since. Thank you Buddha Maitreya
I have been using the Tools for years but my husband has been slow to avail himself of them and it's only recently that I have had him lay on the Metatron Mat to offer a reflexology treatment since his Post Aorta operation which required 2 incisions in the lower abdomen. The Stent on the left hand side kinked causing a clot preventing the circulation of the blood to his left leg. He wouldn't hold the Vajras but they were attached to the Mat anyway as was the Large Maitreya Solar Cross at the top of the Mat. The treatment and medication from the hospital was very slow to help him with the painful process and it was only when using the Mat in conjunction with the reflexology over a period a few weeks that the wound has now healed. I am in no doubt that the Tools have saved my husband's life and thank The Lord Buddha for them.
Hello. I wanted to tell you how the Metatron Mat worked for my 10 year old husky. I believe as a puppy, Chinook was dropped or received some sort of injury, because he has favored his lower back, his hips and the base of his tail ever since he has been with me and I got him at 4 months old. Just recently my cousin was over with her Metatron Mat and I asked if I could try to put Chinook on it. Chinook came right over and put himself down on the Mat. He stayed for 15 minutes and got up and left. Later that day, he was playing outside with his brother like a puppy. I ordered a Mat the following day. Just recently, he took a bite of a porcupine. We spent time in the emergency hospital and when he started coming out of the anesthesia, he would get up and slip around and he actually did the splits. He would lay there for a moment and I would finally get him settled down again. It was awful, knowing how much he hurt. I tried so hard to calm him in that little room with cold slippery floors. My poor husky was whimpering from the time he woke up at the hospital until I got him home to bed. I was so worried about him. As he cried, I remembered my Metatron Mat. I slipped it under the lower part of his body and folded it over so it covered him on both sides. It was only a few minutes and he stopped crying and started his usual snore. He slept so soundly that whole night. I woke up with him and moved his legs a bit and they were like jelly. I was so worried he had become paralyzed (of course you think the worst) and I asked him if he'd like to go outside, he got up and walked outside while I cried. Each night for about a week he laid on the mat for about 5 hours, then he moved off it. Now, he doesn't even want to lay on it and he is younger at age 10 than he was at 7. It's wonderful and amazing and I am so grateful. Thank-you Buddha Maitreya
I have had fibromyalgia for about 20 years and just wanted to share the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing tools are fantastic for pain management. I don't have to use as much medication because my pain has decreased so much! I have the Metatron mat system & the Shambhala star and really enjoy both!
I had a Meditation Pyramid for a few years and slept under it as well. It made me feel protected and safe. It is a form not many people can grasp as although it is an ancient symbol it is unusual and it makes people feel differently about things. I especially like the solar orb that goes on top and the blue crystals you can put on the pyramids. I would recommend people get a mat with it as well to make the healing quicker. Anyway it worked for me and my life is now different and I have moved on from my old patterns with old karmic relationships which were harmful but I did not realize until I learned this from His Holiness Buddha Maitreya
Three months ago I experienced a kidney tract problem: with subsequent complications from surgery for kidney stones, I could have lost a kidney. I made frequent use of the Buddha Maitreya Metatron Mat, etheric weavers and weekly group meditations. I just received report of a fully functioning kidney tract! I attribute this recovery to the many healings received. How fortunate to have this pathway: the tools, pujas and caring connections. I am so grateful.
I am a massage therapist and have been using the Metatron Mat for almost 10 years now. It is one of the best and most important tools I have used in my practice. It keeps the energy clear in my home while I am working on clients. It also really helps my clients clear emotional, negative, stuck energy and gives them a whole body connection while they hold the vajras. They relax into a deeper level where I don't have to work so hard to get them there. I carry it with me to put on my table for outcalls and people really love it! Thank you Buddha Maitreya for the most amazing healing system, I can't imagine doing massage without it!
I began incorporating the use of the Metatron's Mat system with Sky Vajras and Etheric weavers into my Reiki healing practice early last year. Since then I have received feedback from my clients continually of the positive, often very dramatic, changes they have experienced both during the sessions and in their lives. Overall, the sessions addressed client's emotional, mental and physical issues quickly and without trauma. The healing tools did work, such as the clearing of blockages, repairing rents in the aura (the physical-Etheric body, actually), and psychic surgery without my needing to call in the use of the symbols. The sessions using these amazing tools were so phenomenal that my practice grew by three times.
Health Practitioner
When I meditate on the Metatrons Mat, it puts me into a very deep state of relaxation. In that relaxed state I often feel a lot of heaviness lifting from my etheric body, I can feel energy move through ,accompanied by twitching and flicking sensations as I feel this energy leave. I also sleep on the Mat at night and find it vital for maintaining energy levels when I sleep, so I wake up feeling much better and much more fresh than if I sleep without it. It really helps with psychic attack at night too. The Metatrons Mat and the other heeling tools I use that are designed by H.H Buddha Maitreya are the strongest and most clearing healing tools I have come across
I had torn my meniscus in my right knee in December 2007 and had surgery on it in February 2008 and it continued to be painful and give me problems, swelling etc. I went to physical therapy and it helped but it didn't eliminate the pain. I had also dislocated my left knee 3-4 times as I was favoring it because of my right knee problems so had considerable pain in it as well. I started to sleep on Buddha Maitreya's Metatron Mat and within a week all the pain in my knees is gone! My back doesn't hurt either. I am a 61 year old nurse and am really grateful for the healing!
The energy I felt was a shift into higher consciousness. However, as I lay there I noticed that my left shoulder tightened due to a reflex action that pockets in the left side of my neck. Six times this has happened before - the neck muscles spasm. I can't swallow; and it is very painful. I need a chiropractor or healer fast. We hooked the Maitreya Solar Cross, in Green Siberian Quartz, to the Metatrons Mat and immediately the neck relaxed, my shoulders relaxed and dropped downward, my left knee shifted in place and my left ankle stopped twitching. All was healed within 3 minutes. PS Osteoporosis bends me forward. However, now I have the Ability to stand up straight. Thank you God.
Renee Yerg
The Metatron's mat is a miracle. I have enormous pain in my neck and back at the end of the day. Last night I felt called to lie on the mat before retiring. It was instantaneous healing - I felt the mat suck the pain out of my neck completely. Then out of my upper back. Then from my sacrum, where I usually can't feel and didn't know I had pain! Then I laid there feeling a buzzing in my sacrum and energy rise up my spine, complete relaxation accompanied the entire experience. Normally my paralysis feels like an icky electrical buzz. But the mat smooths out the buzzing , allowing the energy to flow evenly and feel pleasant. This happens the second I lie on it. THANK YOU!!!
Sarah Olson
Omaha, NE
I have built up a full system consisting of a Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross, a healing mat with two Vajras and, just recently, a Pyramid. First of all I noticed a force of change in my home. I felt the urge to de-clutter my home more and more. People who had created problems for me actually moved away. Each time I put my hands on the Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross I would feel a rush going through my whole body, it was like a soft shiver.I then got a mat to sleep on. The first few months I would wake up feeling very hot all over. The mat felt like an electric blanket – amazing. At the time I was suffering from bad arthritis and I was putting some medication on the tray and attaching it to the mat. When I went away for a weekend I took my mat with me but did not place my medication on the tray. I was fine for one day but after the second day I woke up feeling extremely stiff and in pain just as I before. So the pills on the tray were making a big difference. I carried on using the mat and the medication tray at home and even took it on holiday with me. It kept my arthritis under control. I then plugged the Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross into my mat in my bed and Wow, the first time I laid down on it I felt like my heart and chest was buzzing so fast. After a few days I aligned to it. Phew! Thank you Buddha Maitreya
Lisa Koetser
Salisbury, UK
I had a very special chat with a woman today. Her name is Dorotha Gutkowska. She attended the expo last year and bought a mat system. She said that she had an immediate recognition of Christ's energy through the tools. She said she wishes that she could have all of them! She has been sharing these tools with everyone and has been offering healings when people ask. She sees a shift in people just after 30 minutes on the mat, with the Vajras and CD's. I shared about Christ's presence directly emanating from the tools through transmission. She understands. She actually gave her mat to her Mother during her visit to Poland. She mentioned how people around her expressed an attraction to them. She will be coming to the Expo to purchase another mat. She and I talked about other tools as well. She wanted to know which tools I have. She is very interested in the Maitreya Solar Cross and the Head Pyramid. She said she doesn't have the slightest doubt these tools are healing through Christ's energy. I invited her to come to a Dharshan!
Pamela Willet
My sister and I sat on the metatron mats at a recent show and we listened to Buddha Maitreya's music on headphones. I got really hot and all of a sudden saw a black cloud like thing with a face, elongate and leave out of the top of my sister's head. We were sitting there for less than 10 minutes and I was soaked in sweat from the experience. I later asked my sister what she experienced while meditating. She said she felt so much better and lighter. My sister has been going through a really rough divorce, which has made her depressed and on the brink of giving up. After her experience with Buddha Maitreya's music and healing tools she has hope again. Thank you Buddha Maitreya!
Julie Carr
I found that the Metatron Mat embraces the whole being and quickly but gently drives out disharmonies from every level of the energy bodies. It undoes all tensions, even the strongest and deepest and gently releases toxins accumulated there.To the sensitive eye, the Mat creates a field that completely embraces the body and softly permeates it with pure and exceedingly gentle energy. While there is emotional healing, the Mat is especially effective in relieving deep bodily stresses. It prevents daily bodily stresses from building up and carrying over from day to day.The first time I used it, it revealed and relieved worrisomely heavy burdens of stress that I did not even realize I was carrying. Like a gentle and invisible chiropractor, the mat's force field opens up all the deep stressed places and smoothly releases the toxic stuff caught there.When I received my mat, I was frankly stunned by its beauty and workmanship. I was also impressed by how rugged and sturdy it is. I am amazed at how much I received for my expenditure and at the high quality of everything that was included.Paradoxically, although the Metatron Mat system is expensive, it seems like I got too much for my money. But it isn't about money, I eventually realized. It is about love and generosity. The people of the Church of Shamballa give generously of themselves out of love to make it possible for us to have these tools.
Carl Boudreau
Iowa City, IA
Dear Buddha Maitreya, I first visited someone who had the Shambhala Mat and two vajras. I laid on the mat. I felt the radiosonic pulse and felt something good for the first time in weeks. I took home the puja''s tapes and played them continuously day and night. Each day something got better.I have had so many healings of things that were painful both emotionally and physically. Today I walk lightly and before I limped or had such incredible pain. I have had breast cancer come up and I did nine soul therapy''s and it was gone. I have had wierd body pain and movement of extremeities from a fried energy field from guru''s. You were there. I have been on the brink of insanity and you were there as the junk I took in came out.
Judy B
Danville, CA
After buying my Metatron Mat with Vajras and my violet Maitreya Solar Cross and clear etheric weaver, I gathered those in my meditation group to learn and experience my tools. All were very sensitive to the tools and averaged one hour on the mat with my holding the weaver over their chakras. Sometimes after clearing an active area with my weaver, it would spin again and we wondered if they were reaching a deeper level in that area. One 79 year old was ill and very weak. We even helped her walk. Her complexion was white. She was treated in the morning and rose off the mat with rosy cheeks. She said she felt circulated and much better. My meditation group was so impressed that they are planning to drive to Sedona to experience Shambhala as I have.
Renee Yerg
Sedona, AZ
Thank you it is very enlightening to refresh my memory on these tools as they are in my life every day. I love the rainbow weaver and I have 2 vajra's that came with my mat. I can testify to the fact that they are very comforting in my meditation. Thank you and many blessings.
Dear Shambhala,My heartfelt congratulations as you begin to lay the foundation for the new Shambhala Maitreya Monastery. This is an event that blesses all of us!I feel a heart connection with Shambhala because so many of the meditation tools have become a part of my life. In fact my home feels like a mini-monastery. I sleep on the Metatron Mat, and meditate on the half-size mat while holding my beautiful vajras. The Maitreya Solar Cross is suspended overhead.I wear a Solar Form day and night, and carry my beautiful rainbow Weaver in my pocket, so the powerful influence of these tools is with me all the time. I have no doubt that this influence is felt by the person I''m sharing a home with, as well as by all whom I come into contact with.I love knowing that when the Maitreya Monastery is completed, it will serve as a powerful tool for our world, and that all of us who have meditation tools will find that the healing influence of these tools will become correspondingly enhanced.My sincere thanks to Buddha Maitreya for making these sacred tools available to us. And my thanks to all of you who are serving this holy work. I have been so touched by the deep devotion, generosity and love of those I''ve talked with when I've called. Every contact, every communication has been a gift. You yourselves are Shambhala tools, and your healing influence has blessed me enormously.I wish you all blessings as you continue, by your devotion, to raise up this holy edifice, this Shambhala Maitreya Monastery.Sincerely, and with gratitudeElizabeth Dempsey
After speaking to some friends, I drove to the store in Sedona and it was more amazing then I could imagine. Once I was inside the store, I ended up purchasing the Solar form pendant, the Solar Cross and Metatron Mat with Vajras. I began using them when I would come home from work. I would listen to the CD's and allow that music to permeate my surroundings. Even a low volume was enough to shift the energy. I hung the Solar Cross over my bed. In about 6 weeks my entire life began to shift. I ended up moving out of my home into another dwelling and then a career shift began to ensue. I am being guided to completely redo my life so that my soul can be in proper alignment. I say this in present tense now, because I AM still in this shift. I know that the Shambhala healing tools are assisting me in this great endeavor.
I am from Calgary, Alberta, Canada & I recently attended a Body, Soul & Spirit Expo. I had the pleasure of experiencing meditation for the first time on the Mat with Vajras, as well as etheric weavers. I am still overwhelmed by this truly, deeply, touching experience. I was at the lowest point in my life the preceding week, after having my fifth miscarriage & didn't feel like I could carry on with life anymore, however my whole outlook on life changed after that experience. It touched a part of my soul that I thought was lost. I am looking forward to continuing this new journey in my life.
Expo Visitor
Calgary, Canada
My counselor in Eugene, Oregon had recommended that I purchase a mat. At first I was hesitant, because of the expense, then I simply put that aside and manifested the purchase. I sleep on the mat every night and I can feel the energy and extreme warmth that the mat produces. I awake feeling enlightened and anew. The chronic pain I had been suffering with between my shoulders is no longer
Michelle Mote
Springfield, Oregon
Soon after Maria received her large Maitreya Solar Cross, she attached it to the mat and started doing ew sessions on different people. Her sister-in-law, who Maria describes as still young and active, was diagnosed with a bone disorder. She spent 12 days in the hospital and when she left, was in a wheel chair and was given a walker. The pain was so intense, she fell into a deep depression and felt she wanted to die. Maria combined all her tools attaching the mat to the new large MSX and using her 3.5 ew 10 set treated her 4 times. Her sister-in-law stopped coming for treatments. She started walking without any pain, cleaning houses, and extremely happy with tons of energy and in great spirits. Maria hasn't treated her since because as she says "She's better than ever". Incredible!
Maria Hanono
Miami, Florida
Most recently, an old back injury flared up and caused persistent pain. For three months it kept getting worse until I finally got a metatronic mat. In prayer, I had been told that one night on the mat would bring swift relief, and amazingly all three of the deep centers of pain were gone the next morning!
Angela Calhoun
Oakland, CA
My part Lhasa Apso dog, Shaggi, had a heart attack and was in a hyperventilation syndrome for 5 days and nights. We were so close to putting her to sleep, for she wouldn't eat, or sleep or breathe normally. Finally, I put her on the Metatron Mat and after 45 minutes, she released her death - hyperventilation and relaxed, slept, and breathed normally from then on. Thank you deeply for helping save a beloved pet.]