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Buddha Maitreya the Christ’s Meditation Pyramid Systems come as kits that are modular, customizable, upgradeable and easy to transport. They are temples used for Soul Therapy creating a telepathic bridge for Buddha Maitreya the Christ to radiate his Monadic, Soul-filled Light and Healing Blessings to awaken and heal the Soul, integrate Soul and Personality and heal the nations and the Planet. The meditation pyramids are built to a precise 51 degree angle found in the Great Pyramid, which helps en-house the sacred energy patterns of the Earth: “When we meditate in the Pyramid it aligns the reality of Earth, the energy of the vibration of Earth in all of its sacredness, its merit, its goodness, its place with God, with Masters of Wisdom and Saints who have incarnated and evolved. Just like in a great Temple, it slowly brings out that geometric proportion and increases your Soulful receptivity, and with it the realization that God exists.” Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Meditation in the Pyramid naturally balances and aligns the chakras and meridians. Used on a daily basis for meditation and healing as well as for sleeping in, it helps to protect from astral influences or energies, de-crystallize negative patterns or habits and truly heal mind, body and emotions.
The 51 degree pyramid is a temple whose sacred proportions relate to both the human form and the sacred geomancy of the Earth and its relationship to the Moon, Sun and Cosmos. The 51 degree pyramid represents the Word of God and Evolution - prana, vitality made manifest into form. The applied geomancy of the truth of awakening: “The Pyramid is a very divine, sacred geometric design. As a human being, even as a tree or a flower, everything is based upon this design. It’s the nature of God” Buddha Maitreya the Christ
All over the world people practice meditation in a restful and peaceful place. The Pyramid creates the same spiritual realm as a holy Temple or Mandala. Practicing Meditation in the Pyramid improves telepathic communication, and improves all other aspects of personal life: relationships become deeper, the personality becomes more honest and humble, and other members of the family and those connected with you benefit. Meditating in a pyramid aligns one and the reality of Earth to a proper relationship with God and nature. Once the pyramid system is set up and aligned due north to the magnetic field of the planet, it becomes activated and radiates blessings within a 100 mile radius. The longer the Pyramid is set up the greater the Earth's prana, the Planetary Soul, can be radiated, creating a powerful tool for Personal & Planetary Healing.