Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Metatron Meditation Pyramid like all of the Shambhala Meditation Healing Tools are the Science of Redemption that transmit the healing and transforming spiritual blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya. The system is used for Soul Therapy - not a mechanical way to awaken the Soul but creating a telepathic bridge for him to heal through.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Metatron Meditation Pyramid is formed from two large tetrahedrons that are merged, forming a 6 pointedstar at the base. A tetrahedron sits at each of the 6 points of thestar, and a Clear Quartz Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weaver hangs in each CornerTetrahedron. It is 6' 11" high with a base that is 8' x 9' 3" and isnormally used for a seated meditation.
The pyramid is an invocation to the 7 Archangels and comes with Archangelcards to attach to the Clear Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weavers. Archangel Michael,Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel and Shekinah (in that order) adorn themiddle of each of the corner tetrahedrons and Archangel Metatron sitswithin the star tetrahedron that hangs from the center of the pyramid.
Tetrahedrons are where the Word is found and the alphabet can be seen in order as you rotate it. The letter is formed inside the Tetrahedron. This has been found to be a scientific fact. The letters of the alphabet are formed when you rotate the Tetrahedron, and this can be seen in shadow effect with light. The different angles the shadows form the actual letters of the English alphabet. So the Tetrahedron vibrates with the Word and the Word is very powerful. When the Tetrahedrons are interfaced, it is as though they are rotating, there is rotational energy with the movements from one direction to another between the Tetrahedrons. All the letters of God's Angels are made manifest inside the Metatron Pyramid. They are being evoked all around you. These are the letters of the Angelic Host. This puts the person into action and as we are the cause of all harm, this makes us become responsible angels. It helps us to discern and discriminate, leading to greater Harmlessness.
A Clear Siberian Quartz Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross wrapped with gold-fill wire hangs inside each Tetrahedron vibrating with the Word. The seven Archangels' names are attached to the Etheric Weavers with Metatron at the top, so each one evolves the Archangels into the Tetrahedrons and that means fire. You have the six Tetrahedrons around the outside and two inside.The seven Archangels represent the seven Rays of God. Archangels Michael (second Ray of Loving Wisdom), Metatron (first Ray of The Will of God) and Shekinah (third Ray of Creative Intelligence, The Holy Spirit) are the three aspects and the others are the four attributes.
Unlike the Soul Therapy Pyramid systems, you do not sleep in the Metatron Pyramid. It affects your crown and it anoints you. You take your seat and your responsibility and allow a crown to be put on your head; like being anointed by God.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Metatron Meditation Pyramid System provides the same meditation environment as a holy temple or mandala. Meditation in a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid System helps one to heal, regenerate and revitalize through soulful alignment and integration or Soul Therapy.
Please contact us to learn more.