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Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Etheric Weaver Pendant and Earring Set includes:
Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Etheric Weaver is a profoundly effective tool both to wear as well as easy to use as a meditation and healing tool for yourself and others - vibrational, energy medicine that transmits the Monadic, Soul-filled light, love, and healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born living reincarnation of Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ - the Planetary Logos - to help a person attune to their higher mind and awaken, integrate and heal the Soul.
The Etheric Weaver•À_ awakens the Soul or Buddha Nature - the divine, enlightened essence within all Life. It helps a person transform their life enjoying a quieter mind, calmer emotions, and more vitality - healing physical, emotional, and mental problems and supporting them to have a more caring, virtuous, and loving reality in their daily life. Using an Etheric Weaver•À_ for meditation and healing on a daily basis helps to protect from astral influences, de-crystallize negative patterns or habits, and truly heal mind, body, and emotions.
Relax and hold by the chain and let the Weaver hang like a pendulum over the hand or area to be treated. With a clear mind and without focusing on a question or outcome, allow the Etheric Weaver•À_ to move gently on its own as the energy flows between the body and the Chi. There is no technique or diagnostic focus, it works spontaneously in conjunction with the Chi of the Soul, and helps to radiate its light and vitality. Combine with Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Soul Therapy•À_ Music (included) as a meditation or healing treatment for the greatest effect.
All of the healing effects of the tools are based on Buddha Maitreya the Christ being physically incarnated and his ability to radiate and heal the Etheric Field, an energetic field that combines the mental, emotional and physical bodies with the Monad, Soul, and Personality as an expression of spiritual self-realization and well-being.
"The Etheric field is God. It is the pulse and the matrix that holds everything together. Through your humility, you ask God to work through you, not to be in charge of you but to co-create with God. The intellect causes separation but it is through the Etheric Field where the past, present, and future; the mind, emotions and physical body all come together and can be healed." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
The Tools provide a connection to Buddha Maitreya the Christ as a spiritual healing force or blessing that strengthens a person in their virtues. Many experiences Buddha Maitreya the Christ's healing influence through the tools as though He is physically present.
"My work is about soulful integration but you have to do all this on your own. I can help by providing the tools that radiate my healing energy and abilities to transform but I cannot make any choices for you. On a soulful level, we have to be free to make choices and change our karma by making better choices. As we evolve, we naturally make better choices. So my tools are just a supportive, higher telepathic way to do it _ interrelating with a planetary reality of a hierarchical truth that is going to help give you back your Soul and protect you." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
One of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Healing Tools - highly spiritual tools for Personal and Planetary Healing that transmit the Light of Love and healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ. The tools are not based on a religion but healing through the Science of the Soul, the Science of Redemption that helps strengthen a person to make positive changes and evolve into a more harmless, spiritual way of life - Shambhala (Heaven on Earth).
The Etheric Weaver pendant is based around the finest quality 1.75" (approx) double terminated, perfectly symmetrical pure quartz crystal with pyramid ends, two strong 24K gold plated neodymium rare earth magnets at the center, and wrapped with coated copper wire. The Etheric Weavers•À_ all work similarly but are available in a choice of 5 different colors applying color therapy - like taking flower essences, use your intuition to choose the right one for you. Click here to learn more about the applied color therapy and healing essences.
Every tool is handcrafted by the monks and nuns at Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Monastery & Planetary Healing Center in Northern California and is sold for fundraising purposes to support a wide range of international charitable activities including monastery support in India, Nepal, China-Tibet, and the US, free clinics in Nepal and local food programs in the US. We are a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization and UK Registered Charity.
Magnet Disclaimer: The Etheric Weaver•À_ combines the healing properties of neodymium rare earth magnets which while of benefit to many, should not be used within 6 feet of a person fitted with a pacemaker or any other form of electrical implant or device for a medical reason of any kind.