"My Blessing is radiating from the Maitreya Solar Cross but also generating inside the Maitreya Solar Cross, pulling in harmful energy that drains life and causes one to attract wrong relationships to one's life; the Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross receives my Blessing of Holy Spirit and transforms the evil spirit back into God's forgiveness. This increases human evolution to become Blessed by the Lord and futher the Lord's plan for humanity and the working out of the Plan of God. All of my tools do this exact thing and work in the exact way - from the smallest Etheric Weaver that you can wear, to the largest." Buddha Maitreya the Christ - May 2012
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross is a physical expression of transformation that transmits the healing energy and blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the Planetary Logos and American born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Buddha. The form is blessed with the Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessings that awakens the sacred geomancy of the form.
Used for meditation, healing and often hung to bless and transform the energy of any space aligning to more harmony and right relationship in life. TheBuddha Maitreya te Christ Solar Cross helps create a more sacred, monastic space allowing one the ability to meditate deeply, self-heal and align more to higher telepathy and the Monad, the Mind of God.
Learn more about the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross ª
Also available as an upgrade for the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Meditation Pyramid Systems ª