This 'child-size' vajra is made with a 3.5" Siberian Quartz Etheric Weaver Crystal. It can be hung or held in the hand. Suitable for all ages, the Vajra is a nice size for children starting to get interested in meditation or sitting quietly. Buddha Maitreya the Christ calls this process the various stages of 'recapitulation': At a very young age, if allowed the freedom and given a supportive environment by understanding parents, children start to re-instill positive qualities and good habits from their previous lives.
Crystal Color
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Wire Wrap
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Buddha's Apprentice Audio CD
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Soul Therapy Meditation Music Pujas (invocations included with purchase)
A 24K gold plated handheld meditation healing tool that radiates the blessings of the Incarnation of Buddha Maitreya the Christ. This 'child-size' vajra is made with a 3.5" Siberian Quartz Etheric Weaver Crystal and wrapped with 12K gold-fill wire. It can be hung or held in the hand. Suitable for all ages, the Vajra is a nice size for children starting to get interested in meditation or sitting quietly. Buddha Maitreya the Christ calls this process the various stages of 'recapitulation': At a very young age, if allowed the freedom and given a supportive environment by understanding parents, children start to re-instill positive qualities and good habits from their previous lives.