Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Add 7" Buddha Maitreya Etheric Weavers® in Blue Siberian, Aqua Siberian, or Clear Quartz; and your choice of Wire (Copper or Gold-filled wire) to Apex & Base Poles to greatly enhance the level of subtle healing energy that radiates from His Holiness Buddha Maitreya through the Pyramid system. The addition of Etheric Weavers creates an amplified field of Etheric Light resonating with the full spectrum of all seven light rays and the electromagnetic field, bringing forth an increased level of transcendence and revelation.
Etheric Weavers should be placed in a symmetrical and balanced way around the pyramid and are therefore sold in units of 8 (one for each pole). 84 Etheric Weaver crystals are required to create a full crystal pyramid system (where the crystals run end to end around the pyramid completely enclosing it in a field of Etheric Light) and 108 Etheric Weavers for a full crystal pyramid system if it has one set of extension poles
Please contact us if you are interested in a quantity not shown.