Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
“I call upon the One Most High God to let the disciple know the nature of his Lord of Love: Seven the aspects of love of God, Seven the colors of the manifesting One, Sevenfold the work, Seven the energies, and Sevenfold, the Path back to the Center of Peace. Let the disciple Live in Love and Love in Life. The Soul is the Son of God, the product of the union of spirit and matter. The Soul is an embodiment of consciousness of mind, the expression of divine, intelligent, awareness. The Soul is a unity of energy vibrating in unison with one of the Seven Ray Lives and colored by a particular ray of light.”
- from 'I Take A Body' Soul Therapy Meditatipon Music® by Buddha Maitreya the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
The 7 Rays represent the energy of God’s radiating light which refracts into 7 different rays like the rainbow. All the different types of life we see on the Earth are very much uniquely and universally patterned according to what is termed the Vesica Pisces. This is an energy that is known as the Holy Spirit and it is literally the spiral that moves within a certain geometric proportion that is found in the energy of every single thing on Earth: from our DNA all the way into other forms - from stones to the relationship that is found in water and the atomic structure of life. All of that is patterned by a divine imprint that is placed into life, esoterically that is known as God. The influences that bring those energies into the pattern also have a number of qualities to it – the 7 Rays. The energy of 7 goes all the way into our planet, for example, we have 7 continents and 7 human races, 7 days of the week etc – so it is a very interesting concept in relationship to esoteric psychology which applies these 7 Rays as they express within life. Just as the 7 Rays can be understood in relationship to color, they also have an application in relationship to the sound of the seven tones of an octave and the qualities of geometric form. They can also be understood as virtues. All of these relationships enhance the energy of reality when it comes down to spirituality. When we use vibration, like in a church or in a mantram or in sound, when we're working with the vibration of healing, all of that implies a quality of healing that brings about a Divine Order, brings about unification and enhances the Soulful quality of healing. When we pray or listen to aspiring music that is of right nature and right tone, when we listen and hear and speak and communicate and share in the right tone and the right vibration and the right energy - that brings about a healing energy around our environment. It heals and it also makes us discern and discriminate what is creating an imbalance, what vibration is off in relationship to the harmony that is brought out in Divine Order. Every time we move toward Divine Order and we better our situation and bring about right integrity, we become more sensitive - more able to witness what is wrong and fix it, rather than the weakness of thinking that it is what we deserve. All of the ability in life, all of everything in life is a prosperity given to us by God. There isn't anything that isn't offered by God, whether it be the fruits or the vegetables or the herbs or the trees or the animals or our life itself, everything is offered by God. How we deal with it in a positive way, with a good attitude and a serving way to help support that reality is how we gain our virtues and the healing of the 7 Rays within us. Each vice like impatience or vengeance or different types of hate or anger or suspicion all have opposite qualities of virtues to them that can be brought out through healing energy, through a quality and a science that is found in esoteric healing with the 7 Rays or the 7 colors or the 7 tones and the vibration of geomancy.
We're all embodiments of the Planetary Logos like Adam or Jesus or Buddha, and in that influence, that quality that we are as planetary beings, we are also solar beings and cosmic beings. So we're not just one, we are all three. We have cosmic experiences here in this physical world, and they are manifested by solar principles, which are the seven qualities of the 7 Rays that move through the entire matrix, the fabric, of our etheric field. It`s a phenomenon known as the Christ Principle. Every little hidden factor that comes in that moves soulful possibilities to take place happens inside of our chakras, as a complement. And when those things happen, that energy is multiplied and multiplied into the earth, generating energy-- like at a sacred site, and the energy comes out all of our minor centers, chakras, feet, our aura; it comes out and it loves other people and has self-realization of a given specific area, and you know you're home, you get these overwhelming feelings. Or you just drove into a parking lot or something and yet you have these experiences because as human beings we experience beingness.
So we move through this energy that's called the 7 Rays because we have solar principles in ourselves. We are the qualities of an angel, not just what we think of as an ordinary human being. The human being and the angel are the same thing. If we look at it from old ancient texts that were wiped out, when we look through books and bibles or whatever, most of the texts and things around angels were based on the miracles and mighty wonderful things that were taking place, because of the veil that was open during humanity's initiation of that time that was revealing the truth that they are angels and the fact that they're angels. And that phenomenon—that solar phenomenon that comes in--comes in through that angelic principle. And those are the energies of the 7 Rays. The 7 Rays represent the seven angels around the Throne of God, and those are the phenomenas that make up our life.
These seven angels are not only a choir prayer for God, but they are the energies or influences that make manifest God's work, God's Plan. All seven qualities that come out of the embodiment of God are manifested through each one of those emanations. Each one of those emanations becomes a characteristic inside humanity, because we all have 7 different rays that make up our vehicles, we all have seven different variable rays that make up our souls and each one of those soul rays come directly representative of those Angels who are directly in contact with God. So our life, through the rays, is the working out of God's Plan, as human beings.
If you become a priest or minister you have to call upon these angelic influences because that's what makes up your own pattern as a priest. We evolve within the presence of the embodiment of the Work of the angels. We're here to be anointed by that influence, by gathering that influence and becoming angelic corridors for that energy to take place. In other words, it passes through us. We all communicate that vibration, we all express that vibration because in each one of us we have a soul, and a ray that represents that soul. And as we attune on these angelic energies as a priest or as a minister, the more we're attuning to those qualities that are found in heaven where we come from. And then when we do our daily spontaneous work which is the angelic way of doing things—not caught up in time, not caught up in material things, not caught up in having to have things or having to do things, but actually being there, beingness. And when we are like that then we are actually like we are in heaven, because we are in heaven. It's just a matter of that reflection, and giving ourselves the time and space in order to have that coincidence or circumstance take place so we can see it as being a revelation.
Heaven on Earth is always here. The key about the influence of being able to work with the rays, is to recognize the reality that there is a lunar quality in life that denies Heaven on Earth. It denies the fact that what we call God is always on Earth, who we call Jesus is always here and in a state of constant reincarnation, or state of constant re-evolution— revolution. And as we come into that energy—as we become more aware of the fact that no matter who God is, all human beings and all life forms are in the same cycle at an exact same place—and as we come into that energy we move more and more along the line with the same consciousness that God is sitting in, because there is timelessness And its from the energy that hits with timelessness that gives us the ability to actually be an open door for the vibration of whatever were going to think of as being God. Because God doesn't take so much of a religion. God takes a reality that since the beginning there was God...that Jesus reflects that he's the beginning and the end. "I am the first and the last"--that's the reality. In being the first and the last, the only thing that I can express is that it has always been this way.
The First Ray is known as the Will of God. It has the aspect of being able to move through processes that allow life to change, de-crystallize, and move the way it needs to allow a relationship to God in the Will aspect: to Let Go. It requires a lot of courage or strength and fortitude to empower that quality. As a vice or glamor all that energy can turn into pride, the focus on one’s personal will to be done, no matter what it takes. So this same First Ray can go into a virtue or expressed as a vice. The first ray is located at the crown chakra.
The Second Ray is the energy of Loving Wisdom. It implies a relationship of understanding and compassion, healing, teaching and the ability to let go. It has a strong relationship to strength and courage and the ability to be in a heroic situation, the ability to give of your own self, in order to make sure that others are in safety. At the same time on the weak side there is a lack of faith, hopelessness, self-centeredness and self-concern as an opposite expression of the Second Ray virtue. The second ray influence is located in the heart center.
The Third Ray is known as Creative Active Intelligence. It is also known as the Holy Spirit and the relationship of Grace that allows everything to come together in right order, and for you to see the working out of a plan that is spiritual and orderly. The Third Ray sees the virtues of other people and trusts those virtues, helping to sponsor people to grow up and develop good ideas. A person like this makes a good person to work with - very eclectic, very responsible, very organized, and very supportive in creating something and getting it done. At the same time, on the other side as a vice/glamour, the Third Ray can be expressed as over-activity, too many things going on and never enough time. Always busy, not interested in what other people need from them, unable to share and tending to take credit for everything The third ray is located in the throat center.
The Fourth Ray is an influence that's known as Harmony through Conflict. It is the energy also known as Beauty and the ability to see things in their harmonious and beautiful way, naturally. When something is happening spiritually or even lovingly coming towards you, it is the ability of right relationship in life to be able to see and experience that love and feel the happiness, joy and the harmony moving through -- just like sitting out in nature. On the opposite side, it is worry and frustration often so suppressed and depressed inside that we can't notice nature and don’t feel love as it comes towards us - instead experiencing paranoia. The fourth ray is located at the base center. The Fifth Ray is Concrete Knowledge and is also Revelation and the ability to see things as they really are with no veil whatsoever. It is the ability to respond to the moment, the ability to communicate what is really happening like a very good psychologist, a very good writer or a very good narrator. At the opposite side it's a person who is closed off and believes only in one thing and isn't allowed to open their mind to anything else veiling everything that has to do with change. The fifth ray is located at the brow center.
The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Reverence. It is the ability to have a Revelation which gives you the ability to aspire toward Reverence, spiritual quests, or spiritual understanding and goals that lead us to help other people, and open up spiritually to spirituality within others. It is a very natural response of all Saints and the foundation of religions. On the other side it has to do with astral forces - psychicism and mediumship which conjure spirits and work with divination and contact with lower astral / psychic forces. It moves people into emotions and a deluded view of what is going on in life making them attached and dependent on people. The lower expression of the Sixth Ray can lead to addictions, the desire for money and material possessions - all of these astral elemental forces are located in the Sixth Ray. The sixth ray is located in the Solar Plex.
The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Right Relationship. It is Ceremonial Order and the ray of the 7 Rays of energy of all things working in harmony and sacred geometric form. It is the beauty of the human body as it is geometrically in proportion to the beauty of all things in nature and how it works with geomancy. Everything is like a sacred design and everything architecturally begins manifesting in ways that are very harmonious with nature and long-lasting, just like nature itself. It's a natural way of progression for things to move through just like human relationships, choosing the right partner, going to the right place, enjoying life. It's all Right Relationship. The opposite side of the Seventh Ray is being caught up in a peer group that has nothing to do with a person, with nature or spontaneity, but simply being part of a group or clique. It is a relationship of plain order rather than Ceremonial Order - having everything in its place, having to be absolutely on time which extends to everyone else. It is the energy of wearing the right clothes/doing the right things or questioning whether or a person belongs –the relationship of prejudice. The seventh ray is located at the sacral center.
Each of the rays has a form of teaching truth to humanity which is its unique-contribution, and in this way develops man by a system or technique which is qualified by the ray quality and is therefore specific and unique.
There are many ray influences which play upon the human being, which form and "enliven" us, give us our individual complexity. As the rays are more widely studied our relation to them will be subjected to careful analysis and verification, bringing on an understanding of the different ray forces. This will lead to psychology of a more sure and accurate nature, instead of the speculative science it now is. At present modem psychology concerns itself with the more apparent aspects of incarnated man and with a discussion of certain speculative subjective possibilities.
The influence of the organizing 7th Ray is best seen in the amazing and geometrically perfect structure of the elements—as revealed by the microscope and by a study of the atom. The mineral kingdom is a result of the "ritual of rhythm," as are all the basic forms upon which the myriad of structures in manifestation are constructed and founded.
The system of numbers demonstrates in its fullest beauty in this kingdom, and there is no form and no numerological relation which cannot be discovered in minute form in this foundational kingdom under the occult microscopic vision.
The 7th Ray is one of organized ritual, and in form-building this quality is basic and necessary. The processes found in the mineral kingdom are profoundly geometrical. The 1 Ray is that of dynamic will or power, and—speaking symbolically—when perfected forms and organized vehicles and dynamic power are related and unified, then we shall have a full expression, at the point of deepest and densest concretion, of the Mind of God in form, with a radiation which will be dynamically effective.
Esoterically speaking we have, in the mineral world, the Divine Plan hidden in the geometry of a crystal, and God's radiant beauty stored in the colour of a precious stone. In miniature and at the lowest point of manifestation, we find the divine concepts working out. Once we really understand the history of a crystal, we enter into the glory of God by the same laws and unfolding the same consciousness.
The 6th Ray is the most common ray found in the emotional body since it governs the solar plexus chakra. No matter what particular ray you may have in your emotional body vehicle, the 6th Ray dominates its influence as long as the individual is aligned to lower selfish tendencies on the astral plane. The qualities expressed by the Sixth Ray of the astral plane via the solar plexus centre are:
Personalism: They take things personally. Their emotions make them self-centered, and they have difficulty "rising above" how they feel about certain people and situations. They suffer from emotional selfishness (or self-orientation) stemming from an overactive solar plexus center. When the emotional body aligns to the heart, the impersonal attitude begins to dominate and the personal self begins to wane.
Filled with Desire rather than unselfish love: Love gives and desire takes. Again, we are confronted with the contract between the solar plexus and the heart. The 6th ray emotional body is as a rule more concerned with what it can get rather than what it can give. The rd ray emotional field is more likely to share and radiate love, with increasing unselfishness as evolution proceeds. In general, the sixth Ray emotional body has a more selfish orientation than its counterpart the second Ray. The 6th Ray is the least controlled emotionally. That the majority of humans can be reasonably presumed to have 6th Ray astral bodies says something about the emotional condition of the human race.
Reactive: 6th Ray people are very self-orientated and if their space or private possessions or circumstances are disturbed or disrupted, they will react in a flash of anger, emotional upset, or fret. It is characteristic of the 6th Ray astral body to be stirred into action before thought can regulate the response. Emotional control is an important need. They need to subdue the intensity of the reaction and to quiet the emotional field. With the development of emotional moderation (and as the sixth Ray astral nature is transformed into a calmer and more loving second Ray type) the undue magnification that leads to distortion and a warped perspective, and the glamors of blind devotion and idealism, begin to subside.
The whole basis of the teaching is that the energy which is transformed is the Law of Love, and the effect which that Law has on the whole world as it is being redeemed, and taken out of the Law of Hate, simply by the Law of Love existing in a human being.
So there comes a choice whether one wants to be lifted and taken out of the Personality to follow the Law of Love and serve Humanity.
By studying the Seven Solar Rays one chooses either to follow the Christ’s Principles – the Law of Love – Harmlessness – at the level of one’s Soul, or to continue to follow Satan’s Principles – Harmfulness – the Law of Hate – in one’s desire body by acknowledgment of one’s material vices.
The choice is EVERPRESENT. When one chooses not to follow evil, a door is opened to the Christ and he is able to work through one.
The 7 Rays of God or Life are the 7 Solar Rays representing the energy of God's radiating Light, seven streams of force issuing from a central energy, Love. Pure white Light refracting into 7 colors, like the rainbow. The 7 Rays are an expression of the divine triplicity of Spirit-Consciousness-Form, God in manifestation – our physical life, world and universe.
The First Ray (Life or Spirit, The Father) The First Ray is the Will of God and it has the aspect of being able to move through processes that allow life to change, de-crystallize, and move the way it needs to allow a relationship to God in the Will aspect: to Let Go. It requires a lot of courage or strength and fortitude to empower that quality. As a vice or glamour all that energy can turn into pride, the focus on one's personal will to be done, no matter what it takes. So this same First Ray can go into a virtue or expressed as a vice. The first ray is located at the crown chakra.
The Second Ray (Quality, The Son of God, The Cosmic Christ Soul Incarnated) The Second Ray is the energy of Loving Wisdom which implies a relationship of understanding and compassion, healing, teaching and the ability to let go. It has a strong relationship to strength and courage and the ability to be in a heroic situation, the ability to give of your own self, in order to make sure that others are in safety. At the same time on the weak side there is a lack of faith, hopelessness, self-centeredness and self-concern and fear as an opposite expression of the Second Ray virtue. The second ray influence is located in the heart center.
The Third Ray (Appearance, The Physical Incarnation of Christ or Matter, The Holy Spirit) The Third Ray is known as Creative Active Intelligence. It is also known as the Holy Spirit and the relationship of Grace that allows everything to come together in right order, and for you to see the working out of a plan that is spiritual and orderly. The Third Ray sees the virtues of other people and trusts those virtues, helping to sponsor people to grow up and develop good ideas. A person like this makes a good person to work with - very eclectic, very responsible, very organized, and very supportive in creating something and getting it done. At the same time, on the other side as a vice/glamor, the Third Ray can be expressed as over-activity, too many things going on and never enough time. Always busy, not interested in what other people need from them, unable to share and tending to take credit for everything The third ray is located in the throat center. All the different types of life we see on the Earth are very much uniquely and universally patterned according to what is termed the Vesica Pisces. This is an energy that is known as the Holy Spirit and it is literally the spiral that moves within a certain geometric proportion that is found in the energy of every single thing on Earth: from our DNA all the way into other forms - from stones and minerals to the relationship that is found in water and the atomic structure of life. All of that is patterned by a divine imprint that is placed into life, esoterically that is known as God.
The Fourth Ray is an influence that's known as Harmony through Conflict. It is the energy of Beauty and the ability to see things in their natural harmonious state. It is the ability of right relationship in life to be able to see and experience love, feel the happiness, joy and the harmony moving through -- just like sitting out in nature. On the opposite side, it is worry and frustration often so suppressed and depressed inside that we can't notice nature and don't feel love as it comes towards us - instead experiencing paranoia. The fourth ray is located at the base center.
The Fifth Ray is Concrete Knowledge and is also Revelation and the ability to see things as they really are with no veil whatsoever. It is the ability to respond to the moment, the ability to communicate what is really happening like a very good psychologist, a very good writer or a very good narrator. At the opposite side it's a person who is closed off and believes only in one thing and isn't allowed to open their mind to anything else veiling everything that has to do with change. The fifth ray is located at the brow center.
The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Reverence. It is the ability to have a Revelation which gives you the ability to aspire toward Reverence, spiritual quests, or spiritual understanding and goals that lead us to help other people, and open up spiritually to spirituality within others. It is a very natural response of all Saints and the foundation of religions. On the other side it has to do with astral forces - psychicism and mediumship which conjure spirits and work with divination and contact with lower astral / psychic forces. It moves people into emotions and a deluded view of what is going on in life making them attached and dependent on people. The lower expression of the Sixth Ray can lead to addictions, the desire for money and material possessions - all of these astral elemental forces are located in the Sixth Ray. The sixth ray is located in the Solar Plex.
The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Right Relationship. It is Ceremonial Order and the ray of the 7 Rays of energy of all things working in harmony and sacred geometric form. It is the beauty of the human body as it is geometrically in proportion to the beauty of all things in nature and how it works with geomancy. Everything is like a sacred design and everything architecturally begins manifesting in ways that are very harmonious with nature and long-lasting, just like nature itself. It's a natural way of progression for things to move through just like human relationships, choosing the right partner, going to the right place, enjoying life. It's all Right Relationship. The opposite side of the Seventh Ray is being caught up in a peer group that has nothing to do with a person, with nature or spontaneity, but simply being part of a group or clique. It is a relationship of plain order rather than Ceremonial Order - having everything in its place, having to be absolutely on time which extends to everyone else. It is the energy of wearing the right clothes/doing the right things or questioning whether or a person belongs –the relationship of prejudice. The seventh ray is located at the sacral center
Just as the 7 Rays can be understood in relationship to color, they also have an application in relationship to the sound of the seven tones of an octave and the qualities of geometric form. They can also be understood as virtues. All of these relationships enhance the energy of reality when it comes down to spirituality. When we use vibration, like in a church or in a mantra or in sound, when we're working with the vibration of healing, all of that implies a quality of healing that brings about a Divine Order, brings about unification and enhances the Soulful quality of healing. When we pray or listen to aspiring music that is of right nature and right tone, when we listen and hear and speak and communicate and share in the right tone and the right vibration and the right energy - that brings about a healing energy around our environment. It heals and it also makes us discern and discriminate what is creating an imbalance, what vibration is off in relationship to the harmony that is brought out in Divine Order. Every time we move toward Divine Order and we better our situation and bring about right integrity, we become more sensitive - more able to witness what is wrong and fix it, rather than the weakness of thinking that it is what we deserve. All of the ability in life, all of everything in life is a prosperity given to us by God. There isn't anything that isn't offered by God, whether it be the fruits or the vegetables or the herbs or the trees or the animals or our life itself, everything is offered by God. How we deal with it in a positive way, with a good attitude and a serving way to help support that reality is how we gain our virtues and the healing of the 7 Rays within us. Each vice like impatience or vengeance or different types of hate or anger or suspicion all have opposite qualities of virtues to them that can be brought out through healing energy, through a quality and a science that is found in esoteric healing with the 7 Rays or the 7 colors or the 7 tones and the vibration of geomancy.
The Seven Rays are fundamentally rooted in the energy of Love, the Second Ray, which gives rise to the Law of Love. By living according to the Law of Love we redeem ourselves and contribute to the process of personal and planetary healing. There is always a choice of whether one wants to be lifted and taken out of the Personality, and its lower expression of the 7 Rays, to follow the Law of Love and serve Humanity. By studying the Seven Solar Rays (The Seven Rays of GOD, the Light of the Soul) one chooses to either follow the Christ's Principles – the Law of Love – Harmlessness – at the level of one's Soul, or to continue to follow Satan's Principles – Harmfulness – the Law of Hate – in one's desire body by selfishness and the furthering of one's material vices. The choice is EVERPRESENT and moment to moment. This is the pathway to Shambhala, from Darkness to Light. Personal & Planetary Healing. Shambhala means virtue, every single human being living in virtue, creating Heaven on Earth. The Seven Rays is our means to understanding and verifying Deity in Life and therefore, the Science of Redemption – self-realization of the divine nature of humanity and everything in manifestation. A way to fulfill Jesus Christ's command to humanity "Be ye perfect".