Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
Gave A Full Day Teaching Dharshan on July 28th
Here's what people said after attending:
From H L in Somerset UK:
“I was glad to attend the Dharshan. It was a process before and cleared a lot of negative things.... certain thoughts that make us not function as well as we can. Feel freer and happier with my life. Letting things be more than creating situations."
From EB in Norway who attended her first Dharshan:
“I enjoyed the Darshan. I enjoy the clarity afterwards where I am able to discern better what is Devic and all the rest that is Glamour and Satan. There is much to meditate with and observe myself and the world. I love Jesus’ teachings and one hour can sometimes feel like a minute. I appreciate very much the clarity in what I no longer have to participate in, in the world, and what is truly in the Law of God."
From AC in Ireland:
“Thank you for the Darshan Jesus, it's like everything always stops for that short time… It's amazing to see the change in the world since the last couple of Darshans the perspective of people has changed so much… thank you for being our forever guiding light and opening our hearts.”
From PW Bellingham WA:
“During these times of demonic expression of evil, You offer peace Jesus, and that comforts me with the ability to trust and practice a wholesome life free from agitation…. You bring light and comfort, trust and faith knowing that you are healing us and that God is handling everything. With all my love and gratitude ”
From DE in Wales:
It really helped in understanding and seeing more clearly the Holy Spirit only expresses Holiness and that originally God was inside everything. The fall opened the door to an alternative Lucerferian creation and the separation into different religions and beliefs. For the first time I began to get the truth that there is only God's Will and we really really don't have free will. Thank you for revealing and naming the major demons externalizing evil...
From CK in Malaysia:
It seems that living beings’ dark karmic forces are getting very heavy... Little did we know that Buddha Maitreya is bearing the dark karma for living beings... We must truly repent our sins. Let's encourage each other to have the courage to change ourself. Thank you Buddha Maitreya
Next Opportunity is February 2025
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