Take this opportunity to enjoy either a distance healing or physical treatment and experience the unique healing and calming effects of a full body Etheric Weaver treatment.
All the Shambhala Meditation Healing Tools are the Science of Redemption that transmits the Healing and Transforming Buddha Force of the America born, Living Buddha Maitreya. This healing force transcends the tools. The tools are a Talisman created by His Holiness Buddha Maitreya and imbued with his light that is radiated onto anyone who uses them or wants to bring that blessing to others.The tools are provided to help awaken telepathic abilities in those who come in contact with them and thereby come in contact with the Living Buddha Maitreya and are not a mechanical way to awaken the Soul. The tools do not heal by themselves but simply create a telepathic bridge for His Holiness to heal through.All healing and spiritual blessings that are received while using the tools, receiving etheric weaver treatments or soul therapy are performed by Buddha Maitreya omnipresently and not the disciple that is providing the space or treatment. The effect is life changing and establishes the 1st Initiation on the Path of the Soul.
The person offering the treatment will pass the weaver over the full length of the body, allowing it to spin freeling whenever it picks up any imbalance in the Etheric Field. The weaver will continue to move on its own until the area has been fully treated. The treatment can vary in length since it is a natural and spontaneous process. On average, most treatments last 20-30 minutes.
For distance healings, a photograph or simply the name of the person written down may be used. The telepathic nature of the treatment and its relationship to the Soul and Monad makes the treatment equally effective as a distance or physical treatment. Click here to find the nearest location for an Etheric Weaver Treatment or contact us to make an appointment or for further information.
Full color spectrum Etheric Weaver treatments are also available utilizing the full set of 10 colors of Etheric Weaver. They typically last between 1 - 2 hours depending on the spontaneous nature of the healing and require an offering of $85. Please contact us for further details.
The $25 offering is an important part of receiving an Etheric Weaver Treatment. The offering is a Soul Therapy offering. It connects the individual to the Shambhala Monastery. To receive a treatmentrequires an offering to the Monastery as the offering connects thatperson's personality to their Monastic Soul Expression that isinitiated energetically and allows the blessing of the therapy of the Soul to begin.
ShambhalaHealing Tools is part of The Church of Shambhala Vajradhara MaitreyaDharma Sangha, a 501(c) (3) American Buddhist Non-profit Church. 100%of all Etheric Weaver treatment offerings go to support our worldwide charitableactivities. Thank you for your kind and beneficial support! Click here for more information