Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Earth Etheric Weaver® is a large Etheric Weaver that measures 2" x 2" x 20". A powerful tool for Planetary Healing, it radiates the blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya to awaken the Soul and heal the Etheric Field of the Planet. Helping to heal communities and the Nations.
"It works exactly as the etheric weaver, you just do not hold it. It resonates with the earth and all life on it, it resonates to awaken the Soul of the nations and heal humanity and all the nations.
It's usually placed in a pyramid, but can also just hang from the ceiling or placed underneath the mattress / box spring of a bed laid lengthwise under the upper part of the body"
Buddha Maitreya, Jesus the Christ
The Etheric field is God. It is the pulse and the matrix that holds everything together. Through our humility, we ask God to work through us, not to be in charge of us but to co-create with God. It is the intellect that causes separation and it is through the Etheric Field where the past, present and future the mind, emotions and the physical all come together and can be healed.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weavers all work in a similar way to de-crystallize negative patterns and truly heal mind, body and emotions through healing and revitalizing the Etheric Field and aligning the individual to the unified Soul of Love, "Buddha Nature" - the divine, natural order in all beings and things.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Earth Etheric Weavers can be hung from the ceiling in a room or from within one of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Meditation Pyramid systems, either from under the capstone in the Ascension pyramid or in each of the 6 tetrahedrons of the Metatron pyramid (see pictures above).
All of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weavers are made with pure quartz crystal with large neodymium rare earth magnets placed so that the north pole radiates downwards into the Earth.
All of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Meditation and Healing Tools contain magnets and should not be used within 6 feet of a person fitted with a pacemaker or any other form of electrical implant or device for medical reason of any kind. With the Earth Weavers, the magnets are particularly strong and should be handled with caution, especially if more than one is used.
"The Earth Etheric Weaver is one the best things that has happened to me in this lifetime. I am feeling in my body, & the lower part of my body feels especially light & relaxed. There is improvement in my mobility. Some caution needed to bend & move is not necessary. I also experienced a radiant light in my head for the 1st time. I've spent most of my life recoiling from being in this body, & now I am beginning to happily be here. It feels like I am rejuvenating. I had some inertia about some tasks. I placed them under the form. By the next day I was in action. This form is bringing me in to my body with safety & joy in a new, deeper fashion. I am filled with wonder by the healing process & feeling His Holiness healing me, & knowing he is taking caring for the earth, the world & all beings. I am living in a palpable, on-going miracle of transformation for which I am grateful & in awe. Thank you for the earth weaver and all the good it is doing." - Shelagh, Omaha