Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Soul Therapy® is a one hour treatment in a Buddha Maitreya Metatron Meditation Pyramid System. Radiating the healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christóthe living Avatar, Soul Therapy is a form of energetic, vibrational medicine that helps a person truly heal mind, body and emotions by healing their Etheric or vital body and awakening the Soul or Buddha-Nature, the divine enlightened essence within all things. Soul Therapy® like all of The Shambhala Healing Tools receive, transmit and radiate the Monadic, Soul-filled Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Christ, to awaken the Soul and Heal the Personality. Soul Therapy can be experienced in person or as a distance healing.
Buddha Maitreya the Christís Shambhala Metatron Meditation Pyramid is formed from two large tetrahedrons that are merged, forming a 6 pointed star at the base. A tetrahedron sits at each of the 6 points of the star, and a Maitreya Solar Cross hangs in each Corner Tetrahedron.
The pyramid is an invocation to the 7 Archangels: Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel and Shekinah adorn the middle of each of the corner tetrahedrons and Archangel Metatron sits within the star tetrahedron that hangs from the center of the pyramid.
Tetrahedrons are where the Word is found and the alphabet can be seen in order as you rotate it. The letter is formed inside the Tetrahedron. This has been found to be a scientific fact. The letters of the alphabet are formed when you rotate the Tetrahedron, and this can be seen in shadow effect with light. The different angles the shadows form the actual letters of the alphabet. So the Tetrahedron vibrates with the Word and the Word is very powerful. When the Tetrahedrons are interfaced, it is as though they are rotating, there is rotational energy with the movements from one direction to another between the Tetrahedrons.
All the letters of God's Angels are made manifest inside the Metatron Pyramid. They are being evoked all around you. These are the letters of the Angelic Host. This puts a person into action, helping discernment and discrimination and leading to greater harmlessness. A meditation for the alignment of the angel that you areóa totally angelic experience receiving the Monadic, Soul-filled Light & Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya, the ChristóThe Living Avatar.
Soul Therapy® along with all the Shambhala Meditation Healing Tools & Music are the Science of Redemption that transmits the Healing and transformational Buddhaic Force of the American born, Living Buddha Maitreya. This healing force transcends the tools. The tools are a talisman created by Buddha Maitreya and imbued with his light that is radiated onto anyone who uses them or wants to bring that blessing to others. The tools are provided to help awaken telepathic abilities in those who come in contact with them and thereby come in contact with the Living Buddha Maitreya and are not a mechanical way to awaken the Soul. The tools do not heal by themselves but simply create a telepathic bridge for His Holiness to heal through. All of the tools are filled with and radiate His Holinessí energy, like the Shambhala Pyramid Systems and Soul Therapy Music, making them far more important and effective than regular meditation music or a meditation pyramid could ever be. All healing and spiritual blessings that are received while using the tools, receiving Etheric Weaver Treatments or Soul Therapy ®are performed by Buddha Maitreya omnipresently and not the disciple that is providing the space or treatment. The effect is life changing and establishes the 1st Initiation on the Path of the Soul.A private room is provided for a one-hour Soul Therapy® Metatron Pyramid Meditation. No one else is involved in a Soul Therapy treatment making it a most profound and personal healing experience. The Soul Therapy room has a 7' high Metatron Meditation Pyramid based on the 6 pointed star, with 6 base tetrahedrons. The names of the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel and Shekinah are placed one in each tetrahedron surrounding you and the name of Archangel Metatron sits overhead. You are seated in a recliner on a full length Metatron Magnetic Mat. The Mat is connected to vajras of your choice which you hold while listening to the ancient invocations and prayers on one of the Soul Therapy Meditation CDs performed by Buddha Maitreya the reincarnation of Christ.
Soul Therapy® is a major part of the personal and planetary healing process. Karma is dissolved through the blessings of Buddha Maitreya and the individual's Buddha Nature is self-realized. The person experiences a joyful change in their life aligning more and more with the Soul and an experience of a more caring and sharing, peaceful attitude is the result.
Soul Therapy® is an extension of Buddha Maitreya the Christ and Tara's Shambhala Monastery and the Soul Therapy® room a part of the Ashram. To receive Soul Therapy® requires an offering to the Monastery as the offering connects that person's personality to their Monastic Soul Expression that is initiated energetically and the therapy of the soul begins. Soul Therapy® prepares humanity for the future reality of complete planetary redemption and transformation, based on the awakening of the Soul.For a distance Soul Therapy® healing, a photograph or simply the name of the person written down will be placed inside the pyramid. As with a physical treatment, a full length Soul Therapy CD is played (approximately one hour) and the room is private to that session. The telepathic nature of the treatment and its relationship to the Soul and Monad makes the treatment equally effective as a distance of physical treatment. If you would like to run Soul Therapy as a distance healing for yourself or a loved one, please check out and then if you would like to add a photo, send us an email with the photo attached./>Soul Therapy is only offered by Maitreya Sangha Monks & Nuns at our Meditation Centers and approved Extended Sangha Students of His Holiness. Click here to find the nearest location to experience Soul Therapy® in your area.
100% of all Soul Therapy offerings go to support the worldwide charitable activities of Buddha Maitreya the Christ and Tara through The Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Dharma Sangha Monastery, a 501(c) (3) American Buddhist Non-profit Church. Thank you for your kind and beneficial support!