Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Radiating the healing blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross Vajra is a highly spiritual tool for Personal & Planetary Healing. Using the Vajra daily and when possible with the accompanying Soul Therapy® Meditation Music, helps a person to develop and receive the benefits of meditation, heal mind, body and emotions and increase well being.
"Holding a Vajra allows one to be receptive to the Heart Center and Buddhaic Mind. The Vajra is not only a link between the Personality & Soul through the bridge of the Etheric Field but a source of direct union with the Monad - the Mind of God"
Buddha Maitreya the Christ designed the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross Vajra so that one can best receive the energy of His Healing Love....The Tools transmits His Light of the Soul and provide a connection to Buddha Maitreya the Christ as a spiritual healing force that strengthens a person in their virtues, protects them from astral influences and negative energies and provides Soul Therapy.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ blesses and heals each person experiencing the tools as though He is physically present. The Vajra helps to de-crystallize negative patterns and habits and truly heals mind, body and emotions through healing and revitalizing the Etheric Field and aligning the individual to the unified Soul of Love, ìBuddha Natureí.
The Vajra has two Extra Small Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Crosses placed in perfect symmetry at either end of this Vajra and connected by an 8" long Etheric Weaver®. Use on its own, with the accompanying Soul Therapy® Meditation Music or combine two Vajras with a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Star or Metatron Mat to create a powerful healing mat system.