Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Wearing a Solar Form helps heal physical, emotional, and mental issues; strengthens virtues, and supports a person to self-realize and self-actualize their divine, soulful Buddha Nature. The forms have a calming, meditative effect allowing one to be more in the moment and able to respond in a loving way rather than react, helping to develop more harmlessness in all aspects of life.
Each Shambhala Solar Forms is blessed by the healing presence of Buddha Maitreya the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ aligning the Soul with the Personality, raising the lower centers or personality energies, up into the higher centers, creating a soulful transformational energy that aligns and vitalizes the higher chakras: the heart, throat, brow and crown center while the corresponding lower centers are purified and transformed for personality integration with the Soul. All the head centers are stimulated as higher telepathy takes the place of lower psychic projection. The Rainbow Bridge of the Monad, Soul and Personality can develop and transcend limiting forces and karma from past lives and this life as well as protect form negative or astral influences. Many experience miraculous healings and transformations wearing the Solar Forms on a daily basis.