Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
"Radiate, bless and vitalize the aura"
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Head Pyramids & Pyramid Grids transmit the blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, to help heal through the Science of Redemption and Soul Integration.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Head Pyramids are worn on the head and facilitate deep meditation and self-healing, revitalizing and healing the Etheric Body - the matrix of the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies. They can also be hung over an area like a desk, bed or massage table. They help one awaken to the Mind of God.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grids are also hung, sometimes over a bed, massage table or chair and create a holy space, like a temple where the blessings of Buddha Maitreya radiate out for personal and planetary healing.
The Pyramids within the Pyramid Grid are built to a precise 51 degree angle as found in the Great Pyramid, and the design of that helps to enhouse the sacred energy patterns of the Earth, aligning a very sacred relationship to us as Human Beings.
When we meditate in relationship to the Pyramid it aligns the reality of Earth, the energy of the vibration of Earth in all of its sacredness, its merit, its goodness, its place with God, with Masters of Wisdom and Saints, who have incarnated and evolved. When you meditate, just like in a great Temple, it is slowly bringing out that geometric proportion and increases your Soulful receptivity. The Pyramid Grids as with all Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Healing Tools are blessed with Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessings and that awakens the sacred geomancy of the form.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grids are made in 3 sizes.
The small pyramid grid has a base of 4 Ascension Head pyramids with a 2.5" Blue or Clear Siberian Quartz Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weavers that hangs within each of the base pyramids. On top is a Solar Ascension Head pyramid. The overall size of the small grid is 18.5" L x 18.5" W x 13" H.
The medium pyramid grid is double the size of the small with a base of 8 Ascension Head pyramids and 8 Buddha Maitreya Etheric the Christ Weavers with 2 Solar Ascension Head pyramids that sit on top. The overall size of the medium grid is 37" L x 18.5" W x 13" H. The Large grid is twice the size of the medium with an overall dimension of 37" L x 37" W x 13"H.
The Grids can be amplified by adding a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar form to the top Solar Ascension Pyramid or attuned to the healing essence of different metals by using silver, 12K gold-filled wire wrap on the Etheric Weaver crystal.
"Sleeping under a Pyramid Grid is so sweet. The energy is gentle and soft. It uplifts and relaxes. I sleep so well. I also hung a pyramid grid over my treatment table when I was a practitioner. It was the same for my clients. They immediately relaxed and felt 'at home'. They were easily offered deep relaxation and profound healing. Thank you Buddha Maitreya for the life transforming blessings that radiate through your tools!" Carol, AZ
All of the head centers are directly related to the 7 major chakras in the body, all of the senses are located in the head, the heart of the Soul is located in the head center and the balancing of the pituitary and pineal glands along with the balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Sitting under a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grid helps stimulate synapse and activate a larger amount of the brain, along with helping the brain to increase the light in the mind. The Etheric Weavers® within the Pyramid Grid pick up the prana or Chi of the Earth. The individual's Soulful nature is stimulated further, without any thinking, wishing or believing, as they are automatically attuned to the Earth's Chi and connected to Cosmic Chi releasing one's natural state within the Plan of God. It works in a similar way to the tuning function of a radio, literally finding a certain frequency where something special is transmitted.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grids can be hung over the head for meditation and healing, hung in a room, or placed over pictures, vitamins/supplements, food/water to bless and revitalize anything set underneath it. They help one awaken to the Mind of God.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grids are used during meditation to balance the head centers, balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, balance the pineal and pituitary glands and increase the light of the Soul in the mind. Put on a headset, listen to Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Soul Therapy ® Meditation Music, and relax as the music vitalizes the natural healing energy of the Grid. The Pyramid Grid can be hung from the ceiling over a chair, bed, massage table etc. The Pyramid Grid provides a natural balancing influence for the creative and the linear side of the mind to build synaptic energy without thought - instead building it with Mind. This amplifies receptivity to the Soul, our attunement to the Mind of God increasing our ability to receive and express love and respond more lovingly within our daily lives.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramid Grids can be hung anywhere over the body for healing. It assists the healing of the etheric field by helping the energy inside a person to become whole as they receive the radiatory blessing of the incarnated Buddha Maitreya the Christ. The healing effect is always amplified when combined with Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Soul Therapy®Meditation music, and also when combined with other Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Healing tools such as the Metatron Mat system. Practitioners are recommended to use the Pyramid Grid over a treatment table. The Grid can be hung from the ceiling with a chain and hook that allows for easy adjustment of height – the closer to the body the stronger the radiating energy.
Simply place people's names or photographs underneath the Pyramid Grid and play Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Soul Therapy ® music - this is a great way to help people at a distance at any time when the Grid is not in use.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Pyramids Grids can be placed over food, water, vitamins, herbs, supplements, essences etc. and help to stimulate the natural light and vitality of whatever is to be ingested or applied.
Simply hang over a desk while working, doing homework or studying etc to increase and maintain mental balance and clarity. This develops detachment when dealing with difficult people and circumstances, one benefit of which is the experience of greater freedom to respond in a loving way, by breaking out of habitual ways of thinking and reacting more to the past than to the present moment.