Every day, rain or shine, is a good day to help the needy. We have a mobile unit and load up the van with home-cooked hot sandwiches, water, coffee, clothing, blankets, sleeping bags and tents. Some days is smooth sailing; other days a challenge. Buddha Maitreya's goal is to uplift and heal, tackling at ground level one of society's most pressing and chronic problems.
Seven days a week the monks and nuns drive around downtown Omaha between 1pm - 3pm. Many of those we help are sleeping in tents or just on the ground - under bridges, by railroad tracks, in doorways.. relying on Buddha Maitreya the Christ's daily food support.
During the summer months the extra challenge besides needing food, is keeping hydrated.
When the temperature and the humidity rises, it's harder to make it through the day with no downtown public water supply. Buddha Maitreya and Tara have started to provide re-fillable water bottles to help.
As it starts to get cold, we need to prepare for the needs that come with Winter. People get desperate for coats, gloves, hats, blankets. Last Winter homeless people lost fingers and toes from frostbite - you can help us make a difference.
Your charitable contributions are much appreciated and they are tax-deductible as a donation to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contributions qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes in the United States (EIN 68-0396112) and in the United Kingdom (Registered Charity #1069944). One hundred percent (100%) of your donations will go directly to purchasing items for the program. You will be provided with charitable contribution receipts. There are five ways to make your donation:
- Call the Buddha Maitreya Soul Therapy Center or Shambhala Monastery at 1-877-444-SOUL (7685). We welcome financial donations as well as goods that we can use to support the needy e.g. new clothing, footwear, shelter and bedding (coats, sweaters, underwear, shoes, socks, hats, gloves, blankets, tents, sleeping bags etc.)
- Donate with PayPal Giving Fund at this link: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/2234853
- Sign up on the Patreon.com site where you may make automatic monthly donations here: Patreon Shambhala Omaha Program
- Make a donation on our GoFundMe link here: Go Fund Me – Shambhala Omaha Donation Link
- Write a check made out to: Church of Shambhala and mail to Buddha Maitreya Soul Therapy Center, 13013 W. Center Rd, Omaha NE 68144
If you have any questions, the members of the Buddha Maitreya Omaha Program would be very happy to discuss any details with you. They may be reached at
1-877-444-SOUL (7685).