Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
24K Goldplated Solar Orb is placed on top of the capstone to bring about orientation between the field of the Earth and the spinning electromagnetic field of the Sun, increasing the solar cosmic forces that are located at the capstone and greatly amplifying the subtle healing energy that Buddha Maitreya the Christ radiates through the Pyramid System.
It is made of a series of 5 perfect 51 degree pyramids with 1.5" capstones. The Solar Orb creates the exact same turn of the Sun and takes the energies of the 1st Ray (the Will of God) through to the 7th Ray (of Right Relationship). The orb multiplies the energy of the pyramid tenfold.
Select a Solar Orb with either 5 pyramids (the complete form as shown) or with 4 vertical pyramids and then add a new or existing Buddha Maitreya the Christ Head Pyramid or Solar Cross to the top (sold separately). The complete Solar Orb with 5 pyramids can also be upgraded later as the top pyramid detaches. Pyramid systems can have up to two solar orbs added above the Capstone. They easily connect together and can be secured with cable ties.