Hold a Vigil of Support for Jesus the Christ Today
Teaching from Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ, about His Christ Consciousness geometric forms:
"The Merkabah is the Life Force. So the Life Force that comes out of the Earth, that was resonated into Adam, created an evolutionary spin so that everything evolved all the way up to the human kingdom. Since there’s kingdoms below that, we have an Earth full of plants and animals and gemstones. A veritable paradise! It’s not a Merkabah found in human beings, it’s a Merkabah found in the Earth. That’s why when I give you Sacred Geomancy you’re actually receiving the geometric patterns of Earth. Like the Christ Consciousness Grid or the Adam’s Earth Grid, that’s Earth! Inside that is a Metatron’s Cube, inside that is a Star Tetrahedron, inside that is an Octahedron. The outer form is a blend of Dodecahedron and an Icosahedron. Those are two evolutionary auras. The Dodecahedron is the Christ Principle. The Icosahedron is the God Consciousness. Put the two together, you have Adam’s Earth, or Christ Consciousness. Isn’t that interesting?
Perfectly handcrafted, these 24K gold plated, 3-dimensional sacred geometric meditation forms represent the divine order of reality and radiate light and vitality, the blessings and healing energy of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, The Living Buddha Maitreya. Sacred geomancy is the divine order within nature and life and is used to awaken higher energies, align to the Soul and raise consciousness, allowing for the deepest levels of meditation, relaxation and healing.
These sacred geometric forms are made precisely according to the sacred geometric structures found in nature and based on the platonic solids. The Christ Consciousness Grid is a combined Dodecahedron and Icosahedron within which can fit a Metatron's Cube (sometimes called the Fruit of Life, a component of the Flower of Life). When the form has the Metatron's Cube it becomes an Adam's Earth Grid. The Christ Consciousness Grid is the energy of the Earth - the form represents the Earth and its points and Ley Lines and the place where the Great Pyramid sits is in the center, a vibrationally auspicious location. The Christ Consciousness Grid is approximately 3.5î in diameter. The natural laws of sacred geomancy are the simple universal forms found at the heart of nature and reflected in all world religions though the sacred forms of churches, temples, and stupas.
Hold in the hands during meditation or hang from the ceiling to create sacred space or to meditate under. When hung in a room, the sacred geometric forms create an energetic field that radiates out, constantly transmuting negative energy. The form can be upgraded with the addition of an Etheric Weaver within the center of the form to increase its vibratory resonance and effect.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Sacred Geometric Meditation Forms work to bless and transform the energy of any space, increasing natural Chi energy. Each form comes with a bonus Soul Therapy Meditation CD to use in complementation with the form, either for listening to when meditating or to play in a room 24/7 to help maintain the sacred space.
Learn more about Sacred Geomancy