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Advanced Soul Therapy using Quantum Response Technology"It has a healing effect on so many levels that it would have taken lifetimes for that person to have gone through all the lifestyle changes and all the changes in their mental, emotional and physical body in order to bring about such a benefit" . Buddha Maitreya the Christ on the healing benefits of Advanced Soul Therapy® Buddha Maitreya utilizes Quantum Response Technology with the advanced principles that he already applies through the Science of Metatronics and the Shambhala Healing Tools. His unique protocols transmit blessings through vibrational broadcasts and essences awakening the light of the Soul through devic and angelic alignments incorporating flower essences, Soul Therapy Invocations, planetary harmonic frequencies, color therapy and more. |
Holistic Distance Healing of Spiritual Imbalances |
"ìOne of the primary things for me to help people gain an understanding of with meditation or spiritual development, is that you are working on an energetic level. It's subtle but it can be extremely powerful and influence you greatly if there are the right forms of integration that go on during those subtle periods." Buddha Maitreya the Christ on Soul Therapy® The entire process can be done at a distance including electronically prepared bio-resonance balanced essences that can be shipped directly to you. Buddha Maitreya offers Advanced Soul therapy - a profound and life changing blessing to help energetically balance a person etherically on a physical, emotional, mental and causal level - the level of the Soul. |
Advanced Soul Therapy For Yourself |
ìThe whole process has been fantastic - I feel way more energised - the senses are sharper and heightened - there are less interruptions during the night and I appear to need less sleep. There is also a constant light tingling throughout the body - a really nice feeling. Thank You so very much for this Healing ì ìRight at the end everything shifted for me, I found myself stronger, more resilient, it was really awesome!î "In the past 6 weeks during my Advanced Soul Therapy I have been through lots of flux and change and I have handled it all very well. It has included some significant detox release. I lost 12 lbs! I have also grown substantially in a spiritual way, I need to get acquainted with who I am now. I woke up one day with the revelation that my perfection is not dependent on anotherís opinion. Iím learning to adjust to that, making it useful and harmless takes some time." |
Extension of Introductory Special Pricing! |
Take advantage of our extended introductory pricing of $257.50 for the initial Advanced Soul Therapy scan, color therapy and broadcasting, together with an additional $75 plus shipping for the essences. Call us today on tollfree (877) 444-7685 Advanced Soul Therapy $257.50Advanced Soul Therapy starts with a distance color tuning healing session and is followed by broadcast of individualized bio-resonance balanced essences run from the monastery as a distance healing blessing for approximately 45 days. Advanced Soul Therapy Essences $333 plus S/HAdvanced Soul Therapy bio-resonance balanced essences (to be taken orally in a similar way to a homeopathic) can be mailed to you to accompany the Advanced Soul Therapy distance healing. |
Advanced Soul Therapy For Others |
"My husband and I have done two Advance Soul Therapies each. I have given my husband broadcasts only without his knowledge. The second was to support him in a surgery, which went as smoothly as it possibly could have. In general everything is better. My husband became a much kinder, nicer person, the person I met and fell in love with. Instead of the way he had become with resistance and negativity every step of the way. We had one little skirmish and since then our relationship is much better than it has been in years. I am very happy and will continue to support us both with this amazing healing. Thank you Buddha Maitreya the Christ." "I have been caregiving my 90 year old father and have watched him decline before my eyes. He had stopped walking entirely and was nearly unable to communicate. Immediately his cognitive function improved and he was once again expressing whole thoughts and communicating his needs. And to my surprise he started walking again and was soon able to navigate the entire home. It was an immediate and obvious blessing of healing." |
Initial Bio-Resonance ScanAll that is required to begin is your photo (a head/shoulder shot), full name and date of birth. This forms a witness which our computer based technology will then scan energetically against a database of several thousand spiritually focused test parameters. The scan and analysis focuses on Soul Therapy to address spiritually aligned imbalances focusing on the Earth, chakras, auras, cosmic and planetary influences and many other spiritual imbalances and subtle energetic influences that affect a person in their daily life. Even with physical symptoms, there is always a spiritually aligned imbalance that relates to it. |
Distance Color TuningAfter the initial analysis, Advanced Soul Therapy® begins with long-distance color therapy that lasts between 60-90 minutes. The Color Tuning helps to balance the chakras and prepare a person for the healing process. Also available as a standalone treatment at anytime. Price is £40 per session. |
Resonance Balanced EssencesFour Bio-Resonance Balanced Essences will be shipped to you to begin taking on specific dates, a few days apart. Each Essence consists of globules that have been electronically imprinted based on the energetic imbalances identified in the four initial scans. They are taken regularly throughout the day by dissolving a few globules under the tongue, until the course is completed. Resonance Balanced Essence Broadcasting - A Transmission of BlessingsIn addition for each Essence taken orally, a 30 day broadcast of the same Essences from Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Monastery in Northern California will be set up to start on the same date as the globules. This allows for the Advanced Soul Therapy® to be received both etherically from without and from within the body, facilitating an all encompassing holistic healing treatment. |
Advanced Soul Therapy for the Family |
Advanced Soul Therapy and Autistic Spectrum DisordersMy sons have both been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders. Their care and behaviors have been very challenging. I recently started Advanced Soul Therapy, Buddha Maitreya the Christís Bio resonance therapy for them and they began sleeping on Metatron Mats. Since then both boys have noticeably calmed down. My older son is more focused and demonstrates a greater depth of understanding in communication and what is happening around him. We are very grateful. DL |
Contact us to learn more about experiencing Advanced Soul Therapy. |