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The Buddha Maitreya the Christ 24k Gold plated Sacred Geometric Metatronic forms are used for meditation, healing and to attune to the Soul. Metatronics differs from known geomancy in that Metatronics is based on the Metatron’s cube whereas known geomancy is based on the platonic solids. Where the platonic solids represent the consciousness of the personality, the Metatronic forms represent the Soul and the Monad.
The tools are a form of energetic, vibrational medicine that helps a person attune to their higher mind, their Soul or 'Buddha Nature' - the divine enlightened essence within all beings and things. Simply used in meditation and healing, the tools transmit Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessing to help people heal and transform, balancing mind, body and emotion. Each form includes a complimentary Buddha Maitreya the Christ Soul Therapy® Meditation Music CD (A $15 value) to use on its own or with the form for enhanced meditation and healing.
All of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Geometric Forms are based on the Natural Divine Pattern of Geomancy, known as Metatronics and the Metatron's Cube. All Geometric Forms are in reality the Metatron's Cube.
You can look at Geometric forms and with each one that you are looking at you can use Geomancy. Geomancy is used through the eyes and not the mind. In reality, geomancy has nothing to do with mathematics since mathematics is only linear. True Geomancy only has to do with the Sacred Relationship of Revelation to the Eyes. Each time that you turn the Geometric Form and look at it you are getting different parts of oscillating frequencies that are moving both the left and the right hemispheres of the brain. When you are using the creative side of your mind and the linear side of your mind you are building synaptic energy without thought, you are building it with Mind.
All of Metatronic forms offer a symbological understanding of evolution and healing, the divine Science of Redemption and Planetary Ascension. We do not channel and design geometric forms according to channeled interpretations. The Sacred Geometric Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Meditation Healing forms are based of the science of Planetary Geomancy that is found in the making of all ancient architecture like the great pyramid and temples. It is also based on the human form and its relationship to the planetary logos Adam. So our science is called Metatronics, the actual form that is known as the Merkabah is the Octahedron found in the center of the Star Tetrahedron and the Tetrahedron and the human form is based on these 2 pyramids that makeup the upper body of chakras and the lower pyramid facing down is the lower body of chakras while the center point where the 2 pyramids come together is the heart chakra.
This teaching is found in the ancient science of Melkazedek and is not actually available. One has to study and focus on the geometric form in the cube since all of geomancy is based on the Metatron's cube. Inside of the Metatron's Cube are all the forms. So if you look at a cube and it sits flat, you will see that it is a cube but not if it is placed on its point. If you remove the lines of the outer cube you have a star tetrahedron on its side, not on its point. That is natural. So if you look at that you see the octahedron facing up and straight down when the cube is flat. That is the center of all forms, the center of the metatron cube. God. And God made man in his image. So god is an octahedron and out of that comes the tetrahedron and the star tetrahedron. But it begins as a cube. Metatron means like God and not merkabah. If merkabah means the light body of God incarnated which is Adam, then Adam is like an octahadron, and the Earth is like a metatrons cube. All of sacred geomancy follows.
The Metatron's cube has a sacred relationship to the Kaballah. Within the cube is nearly every sacred geometric form you can think of: the octahedron, tetrahedron, star tetrahedron etc. So the cube is reality. It has lines connecting in together with a star tetrahedron within and an octahedron inside of the star tetrahedron. This form is found within our temples and built around sacred events. So inside temples and monasteries is a holy, ancient manifested reality that can be released and heal the nations. This is why Buddha Maitreya the Christ makes regular pilgrimages to places like India, Tibet and Nepal and works to rebuild monasteries. It allows the monasteries and temples, the sacred sites, to be healed and become like a talisman for the earth and that is Metatronics – sacred geometric structures.
Within Metatron's Cube there are five shapes and movements which make up the Universe:
Each one of these forms have something special about them that no other form in the Universe has. They have certain rules. One of the rules is that they only have one edge length, only one face size, and only one angle throughout - plus all the points fit on the surface of a sphere. All five of these shapes fit the criteria.
While these Platonic Solids were eventually named after Plato, they have existed from the beginning. Some scholars believe Plato got his information from Pythagoras, who in turn is said to have received much of his information from under the pyramids in Egypt.
If you erase certain lines within Metatron's Cube, you discover an Octahedron. If you erase certain lines from the triangles you are left with the lines of a star tetrahedron. If you shade in the star tetrahedron from this view of Metatron's Cube, the holographic form of the two interlocked tetrahedrons appears. By erasing certain lines from Metatron's Cube an Octahedron is formed, incorporating the golden mean rectangle and a cube inside it.
This octahedron (two opposing four-sided pyramids) can be turned a certain way to become a triangle, and with a certain preciseness of viewing becomes a golden mean rectangle.
If you continue to erase certain lines from Metatron's Cube, you will come up with an icosahedron. An icosahedron has two pentagonal caps (top and bottom) and ten triangles around the middle. Every single line in this drawing is based on the phi ratio golden mean ratios and crossing patterns. Every line that is connected is a golden mean ratio line.
We now have five shapes which came from Metatron's Cube.
According to the Ancient Mystery School teachings and to Pythagoras, the tetrahedron (or pyramid) represented the element of fire, whether it was three, four or five sides. Pyramid means "fire in the midst." The cube represents earth, or matter; the octahedron, air; the icosahedron, water; and the dodecahedron, ether. The sphere represents the void. According to the ancients, there are six elements that create the Universe: the void, fire, earth, air, water and ether, and each of these elements have shape corresponding to them, as everything does. In this case they happen to be the primary shapes of the Universe. Six shapes: the sphere, the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron are the a-b-c's of the ancient geometric code and the universal building blocks of all life everywhere.
The octahedron, such as that found in the pyramid or stupa, has a vibrational frequency form the top to the bottom which is like a vortex pulsing together to create a double helix. In the center is a cosmic point of nothing, which is the same as the atom that makes up our body. These are points of light and create electrons, protons, and neutrons. This is why physical forms come in geometric forms. Inside this point is a hidden light which is within all matter.
If you turn the octahedron on its side, it is like the left and right hemispheres of our brain – the open mindedness of our brain, pulsing into our pituitary and pineal glands which are what makes us enlightened.
Even the making of our body is like that atom, like Adam, thought form building, the manifestation of God. Love is thought form building.
So starting from the atom and going all the way up to the human kingdom there is no separation. When we think of enlightenment we are thinking of the light within.
The point that makes a difference is the heart. So all of these tools are metaphors for the symbology of the light within the body and when you see the symbology, it evolves the truth.
When you look at a geometric form you think divinity – divine perfection that only God could have created. And the forms grow, manifesting outward in that perfection. The octahedron manifests into the tetrahedron, the tetrahedron manifests into the star tetrahedron, which in turn manifests into the metatrons cube. The Metatron's cube is formed within the combined Dodecahedron and Icosahedron or Christ Consciousness Grid and together, they form Adam's Earth. So all of the different parallel realities about sacred geomancy is how God has manifested matter into an enlightened form. So we have been built up, evolved, from the mineral kingdom to the vegetable to the animal and to the human and this helps us think in terms of the Mind of God, the simplicity of his creation – from a point in the center – out – north, south, east, west, up, down, and then you connect the points and you create an octahedron and they all manifest out of a single point and that is why they call enlightenment at-one-ment. Atonement is in reality atunement – you forgive and forget and you atone. Not a process of “forgive me for my sins” as in truth, you cannot sin and so whatever has happened is an illusion.
So our process is to walk this dream of life without making it a dream. To see the world as it really is, we need to wake up and that is called Buddha Nature. Once we are in this realm, we are co-creating with God to create enlightenment through symbology.
With every single thing is a point of light and that is what enlightenment is and when you have self-realization, you have self-realization down to the smallest object and you carry no harm and you have no separation. It is awakening your ability to respond to divine things. Where there is light, you get back light. If we can just awaken to the simplicity of enlightenment – we can go to any religion and be mind-blown by it and not develop so much worry. For us to get enlightened we have to awaken ourselves to this science of enlightenment.
You can be yourself and inside of you is love, that is how we all get the 2nd Ray of Loving Wisdom. That principle inside the atom is creating life itself.
So we have a connection on the atomic level to everything – animals and vegetables etc just by using the right knowledge of science. We have this process of separation and that always gets in our way when in fact, we are yogis. This is why humanity put great pyramids in Egypt, the central point for our Earth of time and space coming together. All those places are connected to all the different continents because of the meditation that goes on in sacred geomancy. In reality, geomancy is an applied science of redemption. So in order to forgive and forget and go into a healing process, it is extremely difficult on a one to one basis, as an initiate. Whatever level a person is at, is the level of consciousness on the planet. The planet becomes collectively initiated and you can see your teaching of your understanding of your enlightenment through the words of another person.
The Star Tetrahedron found in the Metatron Cube is the Lord Adonai Adam's manifestation of emanation from the Octahedron. Inside the Center of the Star Tetrahedron is the Octahedron--a double ended Pyramid of Gods Will "Fire". The Principle of the Tetrahedron is Logos---The Word. Emanating from the Octahedron, the Tetrahedron of Mind and the Tetrahedron of Matter is manifested through the Christ Principle found in the Octahedron and the manifestation of Christ incarnated in the 51 degree Pyramid. The Pyramid/Octahedron is the Key to Metatron.
The Metatron's cube fits inside the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron – so as it evolves into what we cannot see, as we apply it, it grows into a larger form, a dodecahedron and an icosahedron combined. This combination of an Icosahedron and Dodecahedron forms the Christ-consciousness Grid and the Metatron cube fits inside. When these two forms come together, it becomes an Adam's Earth grid as the Metatron's cube is the energy of Adam and the Christ-consciousness grid is the energy of the Earth – the form represents the Earth and mirrors its points and Ley Lines and the place where the Great Pyramid sits is in the center.
So in reality the Great Pyramid is sitting in a vibrationally auspicious place. It was created by collective consciousness and sacred geomancy applied mathematically carrying ancient texts. All the different sacred sites have something to do with the sacred geometric reality of the planet. The focus of sacred geomancy is the ascension of the human form and the Earth. When we reawaken sacred areas, they are all connected together, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, etc. but there must be pilgrimage to these sacred sites to purify that area. This is because of humanity's true divine reality as mobile, walking, sacred sites... omnipresent. Buddha Maitreya the Christ makes regular pilgrimages to India, Nepal and Tibet and rebuilds monasteries and sacred sites to try and Metatronically heal these sacred sites and heal the nations. In time, everyone will see pilgrimage as a natural part of life and it will heal the world.
"The Merkabah is the Life Force. So the Life Force that comes out of the Earth, that was resonated into Adam, created an evolutionary spin so that everything evolved all the way up to the human kingdom. Since there’s kingdoms below that, we have an Earth full of plants and animals and gemstones. A veritable paradise! It’s not a Merkabah found in human beings, it’s a Merkabah found in the Earth. That’s why when I give you Sacred Geomancy you’re actually receiving the geometric patterns of Earth. Like the Christ Consciousness Grid or the Adam’s Earth Grid, that’s Earth! Inside that is a Metatron’s Cube, inside that is a Star Tetrahedron, inside that is an Octahedron. The outer form is a blend of Dodecahedron and an Icosahedron. Those are two evolutionary auras. The Dodecahedron is the Christ Principle. The Icosahedron is the God Consciousness. Put the two together, you have Adam’s Earth, or Christ Consciousness. Isn’t that interesting?
"All of Metatronic forms offer a symbological understanding of evolution and healing, the divine Science of Redemption and Planetary Ascension. We do not channel and design geometric forms according to channeled interpretations. The Sacred Geometric Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Meditation Healing forms are based on the science of Planetary Geomancy that is found in the making of all ancient architecture like the Great Pyramid and temples. It is also based on the human form and its relationship to the Planetary Logos - Adam." Buddha Maitreya the Christ