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Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Blessings are radiating from the Maitreya Solar Cross but also generating inside the Maitreya Solar Cross, pulling in harmful energy that drains one's life and causes wrong relationships to attract to one's life.
The form receives Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessing of the Holy Spirit and transforms the Evil Spirit back into God's Forgiveness. This increases Human evolution to become blessed by the Lord and further the Lords Plan for Humanity and the working out of the Plan of God. All of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Healing Tools work in this way.
Maitreya the Christ, the American born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya (pictured right). Hung from the ceiling or set in a room, the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross creates a holy space, like a temple where the blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ radiate out for personal and planetary healing. It expresses geometrically the Principle of Resonance that is God, the Holy Spirit - that which allows one to live in harmony with all people and all life. It describes evolution into Peace, and we evolve into Peace with it. So it is a 'Peace Generator', a form that dispels all disharmony/evil spirits and transmutes negative energies or astral influences.
"The pulsing pattern of wholeness and beauty heals anything that is not whole, full and complete, in all worlds and all dimensions, including the astral and mental planes. The Maitreya Solar Cross first transforms, then starts radiating energy out from itself. As a direct result of this, on the visible planes, it enhances your home or the place where it hangs. It heals your home, anything in the home, and all the relationships in the home. This healing happens automatically. The first reaction as this healing starts happening may be a so-called healing crisis, where any negative pattern first comes to the surface in order to eventually disappear. Everyone in the family become more courageous and less fearful as everything that nourished fear starts to be replaced by a many-dimensional, healing resonant field of love, beauty, harmony and wholeness/fullness.The form can be likened to a tuning fork that tunes the energy in the home to the energies of the monasteries; it increases the blessings on a planetary level to an exponentially increased level of strength and peace. Through the way it works, it automatically protects from any kind of evil, darkness or threats. All of that gets pulled into the form, where it is pulsed with the high vibratory field of Harmony, Beauty and Love, until it is fully transformed." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
The form is 24K goldplated. It has two levels of Etheric Weavers in the four directions, plus one in the center, and is hung from the ceiling. The form is blessed with Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessing that awakens the Sacred Geomancy of the form.
The Maitreya Solar Cross is a physical form, a physical expression of transformation. Negative energies, i.e. energies that are not in harmony with the geometry of the form, are collected and pulled into the central vortex of the form. There, the energies are pulsed with the energies of Earth, Minerals, Plants, Animals, Moon, Sun and the Stars, since the Octahedron is the basic geometric pattern for all of these. It draws the energy into it and through the full resonant energetic field of Beauty and Harmony. Anything that is missing is given to it. Negativity and darkness basically appears because of a lack of fullness, much as fear or hate is healed with love, and originate out of a lack of love. The pulsing pattern of wholeness and beauty heals anything that is not whole, full and complete, in all worlds and all dimensions, including the astral and mental planes. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross first transforms, then starts radiating energy out from itself.
As a direct result of this, on the visible planes, it enhances your home or the place where it hangs. It heals your home, anything in the home, and all the relationships in the home. This healing happens automatically. The first reaction as this healing starts happening may be a so-called healing crisis, where any negative pattern first comes to the surface in order to eventually disappear. Everyone in the family become more courageous and less fearful as everything that nourished fear starts to be replaced by a many-dimensional, healing resonant field of love, beauty, harmony and wholeness/fullness.
In the beginning, the effect of the form is a radical, vibratory change of all disharmonious patterns of any kind. The form then first works to transform and heal. When the vibrations surrounding it come into a higher and higher level of harmony, a resonance starts to set up, creating an even more powerful healing and harmonizing effect. At a certain point, the power of the resonant field overrides the remaining negative pockets of energy which are pulled up into a higher vibratory field. Then the form starts to send out a healing energy field that radiates further and further out from it, at a speed that depends on how whole and harmonious the surrounding energy patterns are. The more harmonious they are, the faster the vibratory field around the form can expand. After a few weeks, the field around the form should be about 100 miles.
There is also a resonance set up with all other sources of harmonious and healing vibrations, all temples, all other forms based on sacred geometry, all people praying or meditating, all sources of beauty and harmony on this planet and beyond. This resonant field goes out infinitely - into infinity. The field of influence of the form thus expands and expands forever by the power of resonance and its own continuous electromagnetic pulsing. It eventually covers the whole planet, but then continues out, farther and farther away, expanding its field of Oneness. It vibrates as well on a Solar level and on a Cosmic level.
The form amplifies higher harmonics, i.e. the highest available energy patterns and frequencies. It thereby automatically, as a function of this, increases the level of higher telepathy, it dispels disharmony through the process described before. It is the principle of being connected together, i.e. that all is connected through its Beingness - Sun & Moon, Moon & Earth, Earth & Sun etc. It forms a connection of higher telepathy that puts us all together, all into one consciousness, which is that which has been called the Christ Consciousness. The sacred geometry it expresses, is the geometric expression of the harmony and beauty in the greater reality or Cosmos, the harmony and beauty that created Earth, humans, the Moon, the Sun and the stars.
This is what radiates out from the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross (and Metatron’s Cube, Metatron’s Star etc), the awesome revelation that sponsors all life. It radiates a cooperative energy, a divine energy. It geometrically expresses the Principle of Resonance that is God, that is Harmony, that is the Holy Spirit, the Soul - that could also be called Good Fortune –that which allows you to live in harmony with all people, all life forms, all life, and it describes evolution into Peace. You evolve into Peace with it. You could therefore call it a Peace Generator, a form that dispels all disharmony. It generates prana/chi.
While people can have personal negative energy going on, expressing itself in them, the form never does. It is a pure reflection, just like the Buddha. The form helps you through assisting you in a direct and super-conscious way - i.e. above the level of daily consciousness to absorb higher thoughts continuously, rather than absorbing negative thoughts. The form can be likened to a tuning fork that tunes the energy in the home to the energies of the monasteries; it increases the blessings on a planetary level to an exponentially increased level of strength and peace.
Through the way it works, it automatically protects from any kind of evil, darkness or threats, such as the Fallen Angels, the evil of the Ancient Beast and Satanism. All of that gets pulled into the form, where it is pulsed with the high vibratory field of Harmony, Beauty and Love, until it is fully transformed. All the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Healing Tools are based on these principles, for example the Etheric Weavers, the Vajras, the Pyramid System, Metatron’s Mat etc, they all work together to set up this highly resonant field of Wholeness and Completion, of Harmony, Beauty and Love.
You can put pictures, objects, names of persons inside the form, in order to heal anything in or around them. The effect is in no way whatsoever limited in space or time. You can actually treat persons in this way, or animals, or places. It helps the energy inside the person to become whole/resonant with the Cosmic and Earth Chi. This process happens without any danger whatsoever to draw the negative energy out. It works much like the tuning function of a radio, which finds a certain frequency where something special is transmitted. The form tunes constantly into the harmonic field of Peace and Wholeness. The process using crystals and magnets to create or work with radiomagnetic fields is called RADIONICS.
If you use an Etheric Weaver over for example a small or large Pyramid, or Metatron’s Solar Cross, you get an even stronger effect. It picks up the energy of the psionic energy field, the prana of the Earth, or Chi. The healer’s energy is triggered even more, without any thinking or wishing or believing. It automatically picks up the Earth’s Chi and connects it to the Cosmic Chi.
The Earth has two polar ends, the North Pole and the South Pole, something that is mirrored in the Octahedron, which also has two polar ends. An Octahedron is two pyramids with the same base and two peaks, one up and one down. The Earth and the Octahedron share the same geometry. The Octahedron is the geometric pattern of the Earth. From each polar end an energy spiral goes up/down. They meet in the middle and go all the way to the opposite end, forming together a double helix in the center of the Octahedron. The Octahedron is the basis for the geometry of the Earth, and the exact same form is the basis for all plants and for the DNA. All kingdoms of Earth (mineral, plant, animal, human) share this geometric pattern. All sacred sites share this Sacred Geometry - churches, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, etc. This natural form is also found in geodes and in plants. Everything shares this sacred beauty. The Octahedron geometric is found in all spiral forms, like in the conch shell and the Vesica Pisces. It is also found in the octave of sound and in the seven colors. Geometrical proportion is a base for all sacred objects and platonic forms that are the base for everything in the physical reality (the cube, etc). Basically all Earth Kingdoms (Minerals, Vegetables, Animals and Human) are based on perfect geometry. To work with geometric forms is to work with, and feel and experience, natural harmony or beauty. In essence, Sound = Color = Geometry = Higher Mathematics is the nature behind true healing.
The Great Pyramid of Egypt is a perfect geometric expression of the Earth, and also it describes in a geometric, mathematical language the Earths relationship to (and union with) the Moon, the Sun and the Cosmos. The base of the pyramid describes the size of the Earth. If you take the base of the Great Pyramid times 144, you get the circumference of the Earth. The distance from base to apex describes in a similar way the distance from the Earth to the Sun. The angle of the pyramid is directly correlated to the relationship between the Earth and the Moon. The Great Pyramid is also perfectly aligned to the true magnetic North of the Earth, which sets its frequency to the same electromagnetic pulse, or heart beat as the Earth.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ can be likened to a tuning fork that tunes the energy in the home/building to the energies of Monasteries and Churches - places of peace and sanctuary. In the beginning, the effect of the form is a radical, vibratory shift of all disharmonious patterns as it works first to transform and heal. At a certain point, the form starts to send out a healing energy field that radiates further and further out from it. The more harmonious the environment, the faster the vibratory field around the form can expand. After a few weeks, the field around the form should be about 100 miles.
Through its continuous harmonizing effect, the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ helps one continuously absorb higher thoughts, rather than negative thoughts in a super-conscious way (above the level of daily consciousness). Just by its presence in a home, school, office or clinic it helps to build higher mind and the ability to respond more lovingly in life.
Used in Homes, Clinics, Wellness Centers and Spas, Offices, Factories, Schools, and whilst travelling.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ is a physical expression of transformation. Negative energies, in other words energies that are not in harmony with the natural sacred geometry of the form, are collected and pulled into its central vortex. Through the full resonant energetic field of beauty and harmony of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™, anything that is missing is returned to balance. Negativity and darkness basically appear because of a lack of fullness, and just as fear or hate are healed with love, these energies originate from a lack of love. The pulsing pattern of wholeness and beauty in the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross ™ heals anything that is not whole, full and complete in ourselves, in others and in the environment. Energy is first transformed, then radiated back out.
Through the way it works, the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ automatically protects from any kind of evil - negative energies are pulled into the form where they are pulsed with the high vibratory field of Harmony, Beauty and Love, until they are fully transformed. Any personal negative energy that expresses inside a person is not reflected inside of it instead it is a pure reflection - just like the Buddha. It radiates back our innate goodness and virtue.
The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ resonates with all other sources of harmonious and healing vibrations such as Temples, all forms based on sacred geometry, people praying and meditating and all sources of beauty and harmony on this planet and beyond. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ connects these vibrations together and radiates out an ever increasing field of Oneness in relationship to all things Soulful, creating a profound and powerful tool for personal and planetary awakening. Blessings on a planetary level are raised to an exponentially increased level of strength and peace.
Put on a headset, listen to the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Soul Therapy ® Meditation Music, and relax as the music vitalizes the natural healing energy of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™. The Solar Cross can be held during meditation or hung from the ceiling over a chair, bed, massage couch etc.
The Soulful healing energy received from the Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross ™ helps to clear rents and blockages in the etheric field, which manifest in our lives as physical problems, emotional patterns that can be hard to change, and unhelpful thought forms. As our Chi energy increases, these densities of energy begin to shift and transmute, manifesting as greater emotional balance, physical well being, clarity of mind, and happiness. This may go along with positive life-changes, as we have greater courage and discernment to release from negative circumstances or relationships that may be in our lives.
Like all of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Healing Tools, even the sight of these sacred forms is a blessing for others to enjoy. In addition to simply hanging the form, pictures, objects, names of people can be placed inside to heal whatever is in or around them. The effect is not limited in space or time, and any person, animal or place can be treated in this way. The form helps the energy inside a person to become whole.
By using a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric weaver™ over the Buddha Maitreya Solar Cross the effect is increased. It picks up the prana or Chi of the Earth. The individual's Soulful nature is stimulated further, without any thinking, wishing or believing, as they are automatically attuned to the Earth's Chi and connected to Cosmic Chi releasing one's natural state within the Plan of God. This process happens without any danger of drawing negative energy out. It works in a similar way to the tuning function of a radio, literally finding a certain frequency where something special is transmitted. The form tunes constantly into the harmonic field of Peace and Wholeness.
Physical healing can never be guaranteed, but laying the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross™ directly on an area of pain has sometimes been found to bring relief.