Soul Therapy® Music are Invocations & Blessings by Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ for Meditation, Healing & Soul Therapy. The music is blessed by the healing transmission of Monadic, Soul-filled Light of Buddha Maitreya the Christ.
Experience Buddha Maitreya's Soul Therapy Healing Tools for Meditation and Healing together with His Music which is unlike anything you have ever heard or will ever hear. Immediate blessing from his Voice and Words are so powerful you will know God.
Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ has been enthroned by every Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet, Nepal and India. Recognized by H.H the Panchen Lama in 1955, as Buddha Maitreya the Tulku Lineage Founder Padmasambhava and Je Tsong Khapa, and Gautama Buddha also best known as Lama Dorje from the Movie Little Buddha, where the story of the American born Buddha is found in America when he was 9 years old. In 1960 at 9 years old, Three High Lamas were sent by the Panchen Lama to his home to collect the Reincarnation of Buddha Maitreya. Since 1984 at 33 years old, Tulku Buddha Maitreya returned to Nepal, Tibet, India and China and in Northern California he has established his Mother Planetary Ashram to the many hundreds of Monasteries under his Direct Mastery as Tulku Buddha Maitreya. Located in Lake County, California, The Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha Monastery - designed by Buddha Maitreya as a Sacred Geomancy Planetary Healing Center for Meditation, Dharma Teaching and Soul Therapy.
Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ's Soul Therapy Meditation CD's are the same Divine Ceremony of Drum, Tibetan Bowl, Prayer and Ancient Dharma Teaching in his songs that he is best know for in his Monasteries and students around the world. In 2016 Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ has decided to share his Sacred Ancient Blessings through his Soul Therapy Meditation Music with the World.