The Large Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Forms are larger versions of the wearable Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Forms. Designed to be hung on a wall, in a window or used with the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Ascension Meditation Pyramid Systems, the forms are three dimensional mandalas of light that radiate Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessing to help heal homes, workplaces and communities.
The Forms protect from astral influences, transform and transmute any negativity or imbalance, helping to heal relationships and create a sacred space that radiates the energy of a powerful sacred temple bringing more harmony, positivity and joy. Each form radiates Buddha Maitreya the Christ's healing blessings for both personal and planetary healing.
"This is not something you wear although you might want to put it on your body and meditate with it, but I recommend you place it inside of the pyramid or put it on a wall and have it infuse into your home, into your life and it literally pulls in, moves, resonates, harmonizes and it's also an image – it's something that up here in your higher mind where you spiritual centers are sitting, this is what your witnessing, this is what you are looking at – you might have the TV right here but you have this sitting right over there and it changes your perspective – it's like living in a really powerful temple." Buddha Maitreya the Christ