The blessings that I give are given telepathically. They align the awakening of the Soul and they bring out an integration of all your body, your mind and your Soul. The Soul has the ability to completely transform all darkness, doubt, depression, a lack of faith. The influence of the Soul is radiated and it allows the influence of the energy of your mind to become more like the Soul, your emotions to be happy, to have understanding, and to relate to life in a way that allows you to evolve and grow and mature with greater qualities."
– Jesus the Christ, the Buddha Maitreya
This complete set of Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ's Soul Therapy Meditation Music tracks start with the Jesus Christ Invocation Prayer, followed by a 20-min OM meditation, and 17 Invocation tracks performed and offered by Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ.
Soul Therapy Music is sacred meditation music performed and produced by the American-born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya the Christ. The Soul Therapy® meditation healing music combines the invocations of Angels and Buddhas, qualities of awakening, with different bells and sounds that come from Tibetan Buddhism, Crystal bowls, and Native American drums. Ancient prayers and the highest invocations to God evoke relaxation, oneness, and peace. Buddha Maitreya the Christ plays all the instruments and performs all the sacred invocations and prayers.
Soul Therapy® music is unique, transmitting Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ’s blessings for personal and planetary healing. It develops a spontaneous and transcendental state to enable communication with the Soul, opening up the heart, mind, and emotions and helping the chakras move back into their natural alignment. It helps to release negativity and spontaneously balances the brain's left and right hemispheres, establishing a meditative state that would normally take many years to develop. Playing the Invocations enhances transcendental consciousness every moment of the day, invoking and evoking the Soul's inner truth in your life.
These ancient teaching songs can be played at home, at work, during sleep, or while traveling. They clear, cleanse, protect and bless any space and are most effective when played continuously.