The Large Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Forms impress on a person their divine Buddha Nature, the divine enlightened essence within all being and things, awakening the Holy Spirit and Higher Mind. They awaken the Soul and integrate Soul and Personality.
Buddha Maitreya the Christ's work is not so much a religion but more a Science of God. A way of life based around total health which can only be achieved once the Etheric Field is healed (i.e. the physical, emotional and mental bodies are evolved and healed). Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Healing Tools help to do that, furthering self-healing and facilitating deep meditation. They are not mechanistic tools but highly sacred, spiritual forms, that transmit Buddha Maitreya the Christ's healing and transformational blessings of Love given telepathically, mind to mind, helping to heal mind, body and emotions and awakening the Soul.
There are 3 different sacred geometric designs available, all of which help people connect to the sacredness of matter itself, whatever one's religion or belief. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Form is a perfectly symmetrical cross similar to the "Double Dorje" design found within Tibetan Buddhism. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Christ Cross helps one align to the incarnation of Christ and His Light in the World. Both forms have 4 Etheric Weaver® crystals wrapped in your choice of copper, silver, titanium or gold wire, aligned in perfect symmetry. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Star design is the mandala of the Star of David, a mandala common to many religions, and has 6 Etheric Weaver® crystals set in a balanced alignment in your choice of wire wrap.
"The large forms are larger versions of the pendants worn by students. Most people say they experienced greater peace and personal healing throughout their relationships after they began wearing them. These larger forms are for social healing in one's community, home and business. They are designed to be hung on the wall, in a window, inside an Ascension Pyramid System or Metatron Meditation Pyramid System. They are different from the smaller forms as the larger forms include sacred geometric forms on the ends that are not available in smaller personal forms. They also include the Ascension Pyramid in the center or at the top of the Christ Cross. When the form is hanging on the wall it radiates the etheric field in a large way and in doing so it also absorbs astral glamour and delusion in the surrounding area. This is amplified when the form is hung in the Ascension pyramid or Metatron meditation system" Buddha Maitreya the Christ
How do they differ from the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross in terms of healing people and the environment around?
"They are all effective in that way, the biggest difference is the way one feels about each form as this is a symptom of their environmental need. They not only cleanse but they also stimulate healing and change in a regenerative and restorative way." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Can they be held in meditation or laid on the body as well?
"Yes, but it should not sit around when not in use or be worn. It is more effective when it is not moving around." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
At the center of each form is a customizable Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Form Pendant that helps to amplify the crystals and the form, increasing the form's power to heal, transform astral energy and increase prana for revitalization and healing.
On the outside of each form is a sacred geometric orb design of your choice. There are 7 geometric forms available creating a wide variety of designs to choose from. Use your intuition when selecting the design and customizing your form and try the one you are most drawn to. This allows for a more soulful, rather than intellectual, choice. The forms are based on platonic solids, the divine building blocks found in all matter and every Kingdom of nature.
The Sphere is called the Sky, aligning to God and Heaven on Earth. The Star tetrahedron aligns to the Earth, the tetrahedron of Mind and the tetrahedron of Matter. The Tetrahedron with Octahedron inside is the Deva, the angelic reality of humanity. The Octahedron is called Solar aligning to Solar Principles, the Soul – balancing the higher and lower centers and left/right hemispheres of the brain. The Dodecahedron aligns to the Christ Principle, the sacred geometric pattern of human consciousness. The Icosahedron aligns to Metatron, the most Holiest of Holies, God, The Planetary Logos. The combined Icosahedron and Dodecahedron is called the Christ Consciousness Grid.In addition, an Ascension Pyramid that features a 24K goldplated 51 degree pyramid with capstone, can be added to the center of the form, over the central Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Form Pendant. The same orb is also available at the top of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Chist Cross.
On the Large Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Forms, the ones with the Ascension Pyramid in the center over the central pendant - is there a certain way that amplifies it?"It brings in the blessing of the incarnations of Christ, as that is what the pyramid 51 degree represents. It is like an offering to Christ or an alignment that empowers Christ and his Light in the World." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
The large forms are available in your choice of crystal color, applying color therapy. It comes in Clear or Siberian Colored Quartz (Blue, Aqua, Gold or Violet) or 7 Ray or Rainbow multicolored gels. You can also select the wire used to wrap the crystal with centrally placed neodymium rare earth magnets. Each form comes with copper wire as standard. The wire can be upgraded to Silver-filled or 12K Gold-Filled. Like gem or flower essences, metals have healing qualities. The essence of the metal is carried through the wire and magnets. All of the metals used are great transmitters. Silver helps with imbalances in the Etheric Field or if a person has an unclear aura, it helps clean the aura and revitalize the Etheric Field. With gold wire, the level of light that can be radiated is infinite.
Large Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Forms that have Sky or Solar heads are available with the addition of Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Form Pendants within the orbs. This greatly increases and amplifies the entire forms effect, creating a polarity of pulse between the pendant forms on the outside and the form in the center that allows the entire form to radiate out a quantum level of light, stimulating the Soul and an extremely high rate of energy that is able to change one's purpose in the future. Choose from a Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Form or Solar Form Radiator or Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Star or Star Radiator. The forms come with 24K Gold Plated Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Solar Forms as standard. However, all pendant designs can be customized in terms of metal, crystal color and wire.
"If you look at the Large Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Star, in reality it's the monastery – a pyramid and 6 domes. This is not something you wear although you might want to put it on your body and meditate with it but I recommend you place it inside of the pyramid or put it on a wall and have it infuse into your home, into your life and it literally pulls in, moves, resonates, harmonizes and it's also an image – it's something that up here in your higher mind where you spiritual centers are sitting, this is what your witnessing, this is what you are looking at – you might have the TV right here but you have this sitting right over there and it changes your perspective – it's like living in a really powerful temple.
It just amplifies the Soul and then the Monadic influence – because Monad is the mind of God, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, its God. God at least has a Soul so we don't have to think about that and God at least has love towards life itself, creation and he's the Creator of creation so we don't have to think about the personality and the ashram because that's God's creation and the Soul is God's evolutionary watering pot, food and all the things in life. Life is food and that is the Soul and then there is the Monad. The Monad is everything because if you imagine the Monad being the 1st Ray, 2nd Ray and 3rd Ray - your Ashram is the 3rd Ray, your Soul is the 2nd Ray and your Monad is the 1st Ray.
So all the things that we are going to get out of life, all the things we are going to have as an ashram , as our relationship to God and relating in a God-like way with your mind in right attitude and being able to have a good perception of life, it's all based on those three rays. All the other rays are attributes, you can attribute them to God. It's just what God is creating, those are the attributes. We should not be messing with those things but that is where the problem sits, too much messing with God's creation and all I am trying to do is keep people from messing with God's creation and since God does it all psychically, please don't mess with psychics because they are not God. They may think they are channeling God or having some relationship with God but we ALL have a relationship with God and we do it telepathically and not psychically. There is a difference between psychic telepathy and lower psychicism, psychic telepathy comes with taking a breath, taking birth, taking an incarnation – knowing not to breathe while in the womb knowing when to breathe when out of the womb – it automatically gets a heart beating or tells us when we are in danger or should be going somewhere – it's all part of the right use of our psychic energy, the more that we are instilled with monadic energy." His Holiness Buddha Maitreya he Christ